Two men are wanted on drug charges, escape, and for dragging a deputy down the road with their car. The son of one of the men is also arrested for aiding in the escape and hiding the men. Channel 6 WKMG reports on the story, but leaves out a description or photos of the three men. Why do you think that is?

Because two of the three men are black. 33 year old Andrew Coffee Sr, and 19 year old Andrew Coffee IV are both involved in the crime. I don’t know how a 33 year old man can be the great grandfather of the 19 year old, so that must be incorrect, but a 19 child to a 33 year old man means that IV was born when Sr was only 14. Again, a corrupt culture.

As I have reported before, the press largely avoids reporting the race of criminals when those criminals happen to be black.

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

TOTWTYTR · August 20, 2013 at 4:31 am

This is pretty wide spread. Even some police agencies will release a description of a suspect and omit the race.

Just more covering up criminal acts by blacks. I guess if they media pretends that blacks don't commit crimes for a long enough time, they think we'll all start to believe it.

The worst part of all of this is that the majority of the victims are also black.

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