Due to recent events, I feel it is only a matter of time before the servers at blogger begin to shut down double ungood plus badthink sites like this blog. Therefore, in the near future, this blog will be moving to an offshore server that is hosted by a company who will be less likely to shut us down. This is going to cost me a fair bit of money.
So, I want to both offset my costs and give other small bloggers an opportunity to share this server with me. I am looking for a handful (three to five) of bloggers who would like to move their blog to this virtual, offshore server. If you desire, you can also have email service with your own, secure email address. This would permit another layer of anonymity.
The cost would be somewhere between $20 and $35 a month, payable quarterly. My IT services guy would also charge for moving your blog from wherever it is to the new location. More details to follow.
If you are interested, you can contact me by commenting below, or by sending me a PM through the gunfreezone forum.
As for this blog moving, it will be happening at some point within the next few days.