The stabbing in Minnesota was carried out by an African Immigrant. He was stopped by a man named Jason Falconer, who the press is reporting is an off-duty police officer.

The truth that the press is not reporting is that he is actually a concealed carry advocate and owner of a Minnesota company called called Tactical Advantage; its website says the company “is a full-service range with range rental, range gun rental, retail sales, limited gunsmith service and stellar training.”

Falconer’s biography on that site states that he is the former police chief of Albany, NY, and is still a part time officer and firearms instructor for that department. How can a man who lives and works in Minnesota be a part time police officer for Albany, a city which is 1300 miles away? My guess is that this allows him to carry weapons where us simple proles cannot, and may also allow him to own machine guns that are not allowed to be owned by mere mortals.

Either way, the press will continue to report that it was a cop, because the press admitting that a person with a CCW stopped a mass killing just isn’t going to happen.

EDITED TO ADD: It looks like there is an Albany, MN. I retract the last part of this post, with apologies. Oops.

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