The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has released a video “reenactment” of
the shooting of Trayvon Martin in order to encourage people to oppose
“Stand Your Ground Laws”

In a display of “reasoned discourse” comments are disabled.

Here is a link to the Huffington Post article. I prefer what Andrew Branca has to say over at Legal Insurrection:

Had they felt any affinity for the truth, they might have mentioned
Martin’s emerging from the darkness to fell Zimmerman with a blow the
neighborhood watch volunteer never saw coming, a blow that hit with such
force that it broke Zimmerman’s nose, and which he described to police
that same night as feeling as if he had been hit by a brick.

Had they felt any affinity for the truth, they might have mentioned
Zimmerman’s many and numerous injuries about the head and face,
especially those caused by Martin striking Zimmerman’s head on a cement
sidewalk, with any single blow capable of being the one that turned
Zimmerman into a drooling vegetable or simply taking his life.

Had they felt any affinity for the truth, they might have mentioned
Martin’s long record of school violence, his engagement in street
fighting, his apparent drug use, his apparent gun dealing, and his
self-expressed desire to beat his victims until they had suffered

Had they felt any affinity for the truth, they might have mentioned
Zimmerman’s long history of affectionate and communal relationship with
black neighbors throughout his life, from his childhood to the present
day, or indeed Zimmerman’s own mixed-race background.

Lies and distortions. That’s all they have besides dick jokes.

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