So Google reader went away. Now the reader I replaced it with, Old Reader, is too. So now I need to find another reader, and do it quickly. If I cannot find another reader, then blogging for me will probably come to an end.
Categories: Uncategorized
Joseph · July 29, 2013 at 10:16 pm
I've been using Feedly since Google announced they were shutting down Reader (March-ish, I believe). I've adjusted to it pretty well. It was convenient for me because they imported your Reader settings, but I transitioned while Reader was still up. Not sure if the transition is still available now.
Dr8ton · July 31, 2013 at 2:37 am
You can still get your feeds off google
You should be able to sign into feedly with your google Id and it wil import
Anonymous · July 31, 2013 at 6:06 pm
sparrowmict · August 1, 2013 at 4:24 am
I use flipboard. It has my feeds from google reader. I don't remember how exactly but a quick search om flipboards support site is where I found out how to do it. However this was before google stopped its reader but you might still have time to pull it off. I love flipboard. Great way to sit and take in lots of forms of info. Wish the blogs were easier but still it's nice I have a original iPad and my friends with the new iPads say it's even better on theirs. Side note here in OKC paramedic pay is decent and housing costs reasonable good PA schools open carry friendly and if you can overlook the occasional F5 tornado ( I live in Moore 100' from the path of the latest tornado ). It's a good place to live and work.
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