I have been trying to build a pool. The city has been denying my building permit for one thing after the other. I even printed and emailed them a copy of the city’s zoning laws for my area, showing that my pool is in compliance. They responded by forwarding an email from the consultants who handle their building permitting process, again denying my permit by choosing to infer something into the code that isn’t there, and drawing a legal opinion based upon that inferred phrase.
Looking up the consultants, they are a firm that specializes in “protecting the environment by controlling community growth.” The woman who is giving her legal analysis? She has a bachelor’s degree in environmental science, not law.
So I have a decision to make on whether or not I should sue. Suing them will be very expensive, like tens of thousands of dollars, with no guarantee that I will win.
I hate all levels of government. It’s things like this that sometimes make me believe that a Somalia style anarchy wouldn’t be as bad as this is. I am trying to build a pool, not commit genocide. This town is so small that it doesn’t have a fire department, and more than half of its residents don’t even have sewage and rely on septic tanks, but they are worried about protecting the environment from my swimming pool.

I should run for town council and, once in office, go on a DOGE style firing rampage.
SoCoRuss · March 17, 2025 at 12:28 pm
From my personal experience, very few to none of the .GOV drones running and making decisions on things currently has any experience or knowledge or professional degrees in the programs and departments they run. But what the hell we cant let that little racist tidbit stop them now.
Billybob · March 17, 2025 at 2:21 pm
Great idea
Do it!
J · March 17, 2025 at 2:51 pm
As opposed to suing, maybe a first step could be to reach out to Florida Department of Regulation and Licensing and the Florida BAR. If the consultant is practicing law without a license, that’s a big no-no. Might not get you your pool, but maybe a pound of flesh and some justice.
John in Indy · March 17, 2025 at 3:21 pm
THIS. You absolutely should run for Town Council, and if you can, get reliable friends to do the same.
Also, try to get reasonable people to run for the School Board, Library Board, and any other local offices that may be available.
Anonymous · March 17, 2025 at 4:09 pm
As a former Town Supervisor, I speak from experience. You need to go to the actual Monthly Meeting and speak to them. This way it is in public and on record.
You can also contact the local paper as those leeches thrive on town politic crap. It may even go regional which will cause the Board Members to panic.
That is the easy way to do it.
Suing the town will only cause you problems down the line as they will simply tax you to pay for the entire thing, including your “winnings”.
Other than that, getting elected will be the easy part. Once in you’re going to deal with nepotism and all the things that come with the incest that is small town politics. Also be prepared to shit a brick once you find out the books are cooked and the accounts unbalanced. You can’t do this alone, you will need running mates.
Danny · March 17, 2025 at 4:59 pm
Sounds like they must not be getting the adequate kickback if your project goes through. They must not have “friends” or relatives in the pool construction business. I take it the constructors are coming in from another area.
SP RN · March 17, 2025 at 5:12 pm
It’s why I’m running for the board of our condo association. Local politics is where it starts, where I can gain entry, and where the battle to be won affects our living situation directly and daily.
The election is Thursday at 6pm. Deep breath, hold it, let it out.
Anonymous · March 17, 2025 at 7:44 pm
put is an above ground pool – no building permit is required.
Divemedic · March 17, 2025 at 7:52 pm
Not permitted. Not only that, I have a $700 house. I’m not about to make it look like the Beverly Hillbillies live here.