There was no post today because the wife and I went to Saint Petersburg for the night. We had a lovely dinner at Doc Ford’s Rum bar on the Saint Pete pier. The hogfish was fresh and delicious. Then we went to see the Devil Rays play the Yankees before hanging out for some Cinco De Mayo festivities in the downtown area. We spent the night and returned this afternoon. A good date night.
I want to add that there are metal detectors at Tropicana field, and it isn’t legal to carry in there. However, pepper spray is legal to carry there, as it isn’t considered a weapon. I would also add that I have pepper spray that doesn’t seem to ever get picked up by magnetometers. I’m sure it is on the list of prohibited items, but prohibited isn’t the same thing as illegal.
BobF · May 6, 2023 at 11:04 pm
I carry spray as a less than lethal option also, but I have no idea if the machines would pick it up. Care to share your brand and size? That could be an alternate for such occasions. Or if I’m lucky, it’s what I already carry. 🙂
Divemedic · May 7, 2023 at 8:45 am
Fox Labs 11 Gram 2% OC UV Key Chain (Hard Shell) Pepper Spray
or here
or also here
BobF · May 7, 2023 at 9:08 am
Thanks. Mine is different brand (POM) and larger (pocket size). Think I might get one of those for “special occasions.”
Heh. Never won a bingo game in my life. Pattern holds.
Warcrab · May 6, 2023 at 11:18 pm
I still remember the fresh clams and people looking at us as we devoured them after day and half long drive with Pappy.
The grizzled 101st Airborne vet let out a huge burp and they looked away.
The fresh fish at the right on the water place was amazing and one of the best salads ever at one of the last meals with Grammaw in Port St. Lucie.
The juicy babe on the beach showing fine physique right in front of us when she could have sat down anywhere.
Night time ocean walk with flashlight was a blast as all the crabs came in.
How I miss the Motion or ocean.
Boneman · May 7, 2023 at 6:36 am
Sounds like a fun Florida day. I recently installed pepper spray in the car as a road rage incident in Ft. Myers compelled it. Velcro affixed to the dash for rapid deployment I’m sure you know that it’s illegal to even AIM it at L.E. so there’s that to keep in mind. I was unaware about it being magnetometer transparent. Good to know!
Whynot · May 7, 2023 at 6:50 am
SOB Tactical carries a P-tool that does not trigger any metal detector. Even the leather sheath has NO metal in it.
Granted, it is a tool for extreme upclose work, but layering one’s defense is smart (IMO)
WallPhone · May 7, 2023 at 7:42 am
Magnetometers can have varying levels of sensitivity. Pre-911 got moved to a hand-wand because i missed some change in the empty your pockets stage, and the wand alerted on the aluminum sleeve that attached the eraser to a pencil.
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