Check this out:

Here is the story, if you would like to read the rest of it. The incident happened on July 4, but as of this point in time, she has still be arraigned.

There is no winning here. Let’s say you see a cop doing this to your wife. It doesn’t matter if he is right or wrong, overpowering this cop, holding him at gunpoint, or shooting him will result in your death, no matter how unlawful his actions were.

The saddest part is that her kids were acting like their mother was in the wrong.

Categories: Police State


Grumpy51 · September 9, 2024 at 5:44 am

Light his ass up…. Until bodies start dropping, this WILL continue……..

Steve · September 9, 2024 at 6:39 am

the Sheriff’s Office says it will conduct a thorough investigation to determine if discipline is warranted.
So they will investigate themselves and determine no laws or regulations were broken. The Thin Blue Line protects itself again.

Brutus · September 9, 2024 at 6:54 am

Is that a New Yawk accent I detect on the oinker?

    RebPirate · September 9, 2024 at 1:36 pm

    More than likely mexican/hispanic.

Thomas · September 9, 2024 at 8:50 am

And LEO’s are going to be surprised when the Public fails to “Back the Blue”. I used to be a Law & Order type. I still am, I suppose, but not the LEO of today. Officer Friendly is gone, and until he returns, the rest of the crooked Badge Gang can just take a hike.

    Divemedic · September 9, 2024 at 8:57 am

    The problem here is that I supported cops when they were interested in the unbiased enforcement of the law. They don’t seem to do that any longer. Perhaps they never did, and I was too naive to see it.

      Anonymous · September 9, 2024 at 10:37 am

      The Bill of Rights is claimed to be law which trumps all other laws. Can you point to any LEO who, when told someone killed another LEO who was trying to infringe his 2A rights, would let that pass?

        Divemedic · September 9, 2024 at 11:15 am

        Where did I say that it should? Cops aren’t going to let you kill a cop (no matter what that cop was doing at the time) without coming for you. That is just how it is.

          Aesop · September 9, 2024 at 1:48 pm

          Shoot shovel, and shut up.

          Your later post notwithstanding, that badgehole had a subtherapeutic level of buckshot to the face, and should have been killed on the spot, his carcass carted off, and set on fire some miles away, and his visit denied in perpetuity.

          All that would be completely justified.

          Nothing less is ever going to drive the point home.

          Until officers understand this in their bones, we’ll continue being the people just like Solzhenitsyn was when he lamented burning inside in the gulag camps later, realizing he deserved everything that happened to him afterwards.


          When acting like this, and the video coming out, results in the badgehole’s immediate firing for cause, arrested on his way out the door, prosecution, and a weight of charges are filed in both state and federal court sufficient to sink a battleship, come and tell me how we ought to behave.

          “The system” is dead, and that entire family was figuratively ass-raped by the county under color of authority while TPTB laugh it off as “no big deal”.

          The sheriff and county supervisors should be hanging, headless, from bridges by now for this, but they’re not.
          They haven’t gotten what they deserve, but they’re going to get it, as sure as day follows night, unless they get a crowbar, pop their heads out of their asses, and do a 180 at the speed of light.
          It may already be even too late for that.

          In a world with cops like this, or no cops, no cops is infinitely preferable and superior.
          They’ll figure it out when they start getting stacked, and start running out of cannon fodder willing to pull this sh*t. And not before.

          People may well decide if they can’t get rid of that cop, let’s just declare open season on all of them, and start hunting them like deer.

          One Dorner tied this entire state up in knots for a week, from Oregon to Mexico.

          Now imagine 10 of them, and none of them stupid enough to send the po-po a lunatic manifesto they signed beforehand.

          The minute the brighter ones realize they’re now the 7th Cavalry at the Little Big Horn, policing will shut down.

          And badgehole idiots like the star of this video will trigger exactly that.

            Joe Blow · September 10, 2024 at 7:05 am

            Once again Nurse Ratchet got it right.
            The police won’t reform themselves. They think they are the one’s in the right, and the miscreant peasants are in need of a good stomping. LITERALLY what they think, they need to jerk the chain of the dog that is misbehaving.

          Anonymous · September 10, 2024 at 2:08 am

          To be a “good” LEO they must tolerate self-defense behavior sufficient to make decent headway towards getting the good laws enforced and the bad laws not enforced. But if the real-world outcome scorecard of their actions is to the benefit of the enemy, then they’re enemy. Many are enemy while sincerely believing they’re good: ‘have to follow the law and work through the courts, vote, protest, blah blah’ actions with a track record everyone can see doesn’t work. Many, perhaps most “libertarians” are actually conservatives who would snitch you out if they heard you were doing something which would actually dismantle the state. That whole bit-con thing didn’t actually end tax collection, did it?

Elrod · September 9, 2024 at 9:16 am

I wonder if any are smart enough to notice that respect and positive support for law enforcement – at all levels – is declining precipitously and crossing over into – at the moment – non-violent, law-based resistance.

It’s called a “preference cascade” and there’s a threshold that once crossed it becomes incredibly difficult to go back over the line.

There’s a quite reasonable chance that, once things deteriorate sufficiently and “go kinetic” and citizens are compelled to resolve their own problems any police activity attempting to dampen things down will be regarded as “illegitimate interference with problem resolution” and dealt with accordingly.

IcyReaper · September 9, 2024 at 10:47 am

Not withstanding what the original call was for. He done fucked up. Just because a kid opened the door and ran, with this guy probably smart, that doesn’t change the laws of entry Just smile at Officer Asshole and dream about the big money you are about to get.

Until the laws of immunity are changed for all .GOV types not just cops, DA’s need to lose the immunity shield they use to overcharge people just to get them to cop a plea, this wont change at all..

J J · September 9, 2024 at 11:18 am

Too bad she didn’t have a german shepherd that went straight for the thug’s crotch when he barged in without a warrant.

    Divemedic · September 9, 2024 at 11:20 am

    We all know what cops do to dogs.

      Aesop · September 9, 2024 at 1:55 pm

      To quote no less a cinematic masterpiece than Support Your Local Sheriff, that move might have saved his life, “if it wasn’t for all them other bullets flying in from every which way.

      Sic semper tyrannis.
      Screw the lawsuit money.
      Take the pieces off the board, and they won’t regenerate.
      The recidivism rate drops to 0%.

      joe · September 9, 2024 at 5:43 pm

      if it was texas you could shoot him for trespass and you might get a way with it…

        Divemedic · September 9, 2024 at 7:44 pm

        If you ever see the inside of a courtroom. They may well decide that you won’t.

wojtek · September 9, 2024 at 11:09 pm

Martin Huizar, former USMC – if you look for the pattern you will find it.

Joe Blow · September 10, 2024 at 7:01 am

Any cops on your blog reading this? Watched the video?
Let me crystal clear, 100% un-ambiguous:

THIS is why people hate cops today.
Until this type of behavior is corrected, the trajectory will continue, and accelerate.

It’s not even a question of legality. As you state in the beginning this is a no-win situation. It’s the confrontational nature of the police officer that is the problem, not what the law says and who is in the right and who is in the wrong. The notion of who serves whom, is inverted. The cop believes HE has certain rights (in the performance of his job, mind you), and the citizen believes they have certain rights that are in conflict with what the cop believes.
Lawyers will line up and argue for days, and somewhere in there, there is a ‘right’ and a ‘wrong’… but the problem is in the method of delivery. The police exist, never mind who, what, when, or how much they are paid, there very existence is predicated on PROTECTING AND SERVING the public. We have laws written into our constitution about it even… But in this instance he is acting as the dictator, not the employee. The relationship is inverted, and that’s what is creating the conflict. Both parties are exercising their right to stand up for what they believe. The cop forgot who he works for… I hope some crackhead thug shoots him in the gut 12 times next time he’s on the beat.

Lalo · September 10, 2024 at 12:19 pm

People talk about CW2 a lot, and I think it could be something like this that kicks it off. Because you’re right; they will never stop coming after the guy who kills a cop, even if it’s a situation like this…. so that guy might shrug, and say fuck it. See how many he can get before he goes down.

And the fallout from that, will cause more and more people to get out there and join in the festivities. Look at all the carnage after Dorner’s shenanigans, cops were pissing people off all over the place and even lit some innocents up, iirc.

Violence is like fire, easy to start, but it gets out of control quickly and can be damned hard to stop.

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