In 2016, Playboy magazine stopped printing nude photos on its pages. In an apparent race to appear as woke as possible, even that isn’t enough. So now, the company will be marketing women’s lingerie by using trannies as models.

In 2016, Playboy magazine stopped printing nude photos on its pages. In an apparent race to appear as woke as possible, even that isn’t enough. So now, the company will be marketing women’s lingerie by using trannies as models.
Horny the Clown Hellaburger · October 12, 2021 at 12:31 pm
Hefner’s woke offspring took over. That happens often where junior/juniorette just don’t have the chip off of the old block.
They used to have some good articles and interviews! (sarc)
Get ready for trans everywhere as the globalists must have it and I read last week about a footballer who beat a trannie senseless after hooking up on a male searching for female dating site.
Chris · October 12, 2021 at 7:31 pm
Gender Pretenders.
Thats the words I use.
Cause thats all they are.
That is, A Fact.
Which doesn’t play well in Merca.
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