“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period… In an Obama administration, we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year…So this law means more choice, more competition, lower costs for millions of Americans.” President Barack Obama

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tom · October 18, 2016 at 12:48 pm

Last jan, my ppo turned into an hmo, haven't looked at next year yet.

Reg T · November 28, 2016 at 6:05 am

That is criminal. More than doubled to a figure most people could not afford.

I felt screwed when the BCBS plan my wife has for both of us went from $424 to $516 a month. Now I'm simply paranoid that we will get hit by a huge increase like that next year.

Things got so bad for vets and staff at the VA back in 2008 that I quit five months short of retirement. It also meant I couldn't continue my BCBS policy. Fortunately, my wife retired before me, so I was able to be carried on her policy.

Sure hope Trump is able to get Obamacare repealed.

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