Have you been to New York, Denver, or Las Vegas? The smell is absolutely pervasive. Even with only “medical” marijuana being legal here, we see a parade of people who are suffering from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome- a malady where they smoke so much weed that they spend a good chunk of time every day throwing up, yet they won’t take our advice and smoke less weed.

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oldvet50 · October 25, 2024 at 7:15 am

I do not understand how an illegal act at the federal level can be legal at the state level. Counterfeiting currency is a federal crime. If we legalize it at the state level we can immediately have all the money we need. Please point out the flaw in my logic.

    Divemedic · October 25, 2024 at 8:10 am

    Perfect logic. The people largely don’t like the war on (some) drugs, and it is largely being ignored. State by state, many drugs are being legalized, and it’s only a matter of time before the war on (some) drugs is relegated to the dustbin of history.

    The thing here that you have to remember is that thousands of Federal employees, perhaps tens of thousands, know that their jobs depend on maintaining the war on (some) drugs. They HAVE to keep it illegal, or their jobs are forfeit. Therefore, the FedGov will ignore what the states are doing.

    Tom235 · October 25, 2024 at 11:02 am

    Without getting into the pros and cons of drug legalization, the 10th Amendment gives that right to the states, not the Feds, Currency is a different issue but recall the states did issue their own currency until the Lincoln war. Y’all from the South remember that one, eh?

    Troy · October 25, 2024 at 11:57 am

    “I do not understand how an illegal act at the federal level can be legal at the state level. Counterfeiting currency is a federal crime”

    Simple. Many crimes, like murder, are enforced both at the state and federal level. State are NOT obligated to criminalize everything the feds criminalize! Marijuana IS still federally illegal. There is nothing stopping a DEA agent hanging out at a dispensary in Vegas, Denver, Seattle, etc., and arresting and the DOJ prosecuting every person that comes out for marijuana possession. Good luck with that. First of all, it will likely only be a misdemeanor. The federal judicial criminal justice system is already overwhelmed. It doesn’t have time to deal with misdemeanors. So bringing in a bunch of misdemeanor weed cases is likely to just piss the already overworked Federal District Court Judge off. Given that Judges in Blue areas are, well, blue, you just might convince them scape the entirety of federal drug classification scheme.

    Assume the defendant wants a jury trial. Voir Dire, where they pick the jurors, would be a major clown show. Food luck trying to find enough jurors that haven’t smoked weed and are willing to enforce federal weed laws. Most people hate being called to jury duty. “Wait, I lost a days work for weed?” Trials cost a lot time and money. Having a bunch of weed defendants would clusterF@#@ and already clusterf@#$ed system. Good luck getting a Seattle, Denver, or New York jury to convict over weed.

    On an aside, constitutionally speaking, SCOTUS has ruled that federal rights are a floor, not a ceiling. Meaning that States can grant their citizens more rights than the federal constitution endows.

    Federal legitimacy is hanging on by its fingernails. Enforcing stupid federal weed laws could be the last straw. The decision should be up to the states. If you hate weed bad enough, move to Idaho or Wyoming.

Himself · October 25, 2024 at 8:10 am

This is a fine example of how stupid people are today. Like you said, we don’t have to guess. We just have to look at cities that have this.

After that passed in CO, I was up in Manitoba Springs and that is exactly what was there. Stoners all hanging out at the park.

JimmyPx · October 25, 2024 at 9:10 am

To find out who is behind ads like this, FOLLOW the MONEY !
The anti MJ groups are:

Big Pharma (can’t have vastly cheaper cannabis cut into their business)
Police and Prison Guards (less prisoners = less jobs for them)
Illegal drug business (legalization will ruin their business).

I personally can’t stand pot but right now anyone who wants to smoke pot is right now so why not legalize it and tax it like tobacco and booze ?

    Divemedic · October 25, 2024 at 12:10 pm

    Because this amendment doesn’t do that. It only legalizes pot that is grown, distributed, and sold by pharma companies.

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