The reason that posting has been lacking a bit is that it’s been a busy week. Let me recap it for you:

There are seven days in a week, of course. Three of them were spent at work this week. The first day this week turned out being a 14.5 hour shift because of a stroke patient, a fellow nurse who used to be a supervisor trying to bulldoze me, and a little thing we will talk about in a future post called permissive hypertension.

The second day this week was a 14 hour shift because I had some relatively sick people and the nurse taking my patients was late doing so due to her trying to find a sitter for her Baker Act.

The third day, they cut me an hour early because the census was low and they didn’t want me to slide into overtime.

Then my days off wound up being filled with personal details- the house that we used to live in is now under contract. We first listed it for sale back in early March after replacing the floors and the air conditioner. We tried selling by owner, no luck, only one showing that never called us back. We tried one agent who didn’t even get us a single showing. The second agent had multiple showings, and we finally sold. Now I can use the money to get a pool, an outdoor kitchen, and pay off half of the mortgage on my current house. Speaking of mortgages-

We have been trying to refinance the house we live in, because our original loan was for 8%, and we got a refi offer for 4.8%. We close on that this week.

I have also been working on the network of the house. If you will remember, I wanted to put a UPS on the network. The one that’s in the house as built was supposed to have a 28 inch media panel. It didn’t- it had a 20 inch panel, and that was too small to fit all of the stuff I needed. So I pulled out the old one, put in a 30 inch panel, and wired the network in the house with a MOCA system. That 30 inch panel let me put in the modem, the MOCA converter, the master mesh node, a couple of network switches, and the UPS.

While installing the MOCA system, I had to use a cable tracer to see which cables went to which rooms. There are 8 cables coming into the house- one for each bedroom, one in the living room, one to the media panel, one to the bonus room upstairs, and one that I still don’t know where it goes. I put a cable tracer on the lines, and three of them were showing open circuit. I started investigating, and this is what I found:

The one in the master bedroom was hidden behind a phone jack:

The one in the upstairs bonus room was simply not connected. An inspection camera revealed that the cable was stapled to the studs above and below the box.

Still, I have it all done, and the MOCA system is now installed, so my mesh network now has an Ethernet backhaul, which increases network speed and reliability.

Then I spent a day this week going to my grandson’s soccer game.

All of those things have taken quite a bit of time, and left me quite sleep deprived. There was one night that I had to make do with only three hours’ sleep. So Sunday is a day off. I am going to get caught up on sleep, head to a diner and get a rib sticking breakfast, then spent the day with my bride doing nothing.

With all of that, there was precious little time for blogging or even reading the news. I am looking forward to vacation. I have a vacation coming up, where I am spending a week in Bimini for some well earned time off. Until then, life goes on.

Categories: Me


Patience Grasshoppa · October 27, 2024 at 9:05 am

Take a break, you’ve earned it.
The “historic” Red Diaper Wonder Twin II Kamalalala=UK/MI6?
The assless chaps while hunting Tampon Timmah Fudd=CCP/CPC?
Conquered without firing a single shot Sun Tzu style.

Milton · October 27, 2024 at 10:19 am

Hey, DiveMedic, really enjoy reading your WORK. YOUR work.
Really want only the best for you as well. It is good when we do what He tells us, as GOD said to Peter, James and John up there on that mountain, way back when.
I enjoy reading this site, because it reminds me of myself in a more youthful body. You describe how you work your buns off, helping, er, saving others and then come home and work yer buns off. And then generate some content on daily basis.
And then nearly apologize for not doing the daily thing with the blog.
It is my hope that you will “do what He tells you” and get a big old snootful of rest today, Sunday, and every Sunday and also during that time read a passage or two from that big old book on the coffee table, the bible, and listen for the voice of Our Lord. I am pretty sure He will be calling to you.
Thanks for all your good work.
p.s.this name saving thing for the next time I comment has never worked for me

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