So it turns out that pulling the pin on a high output smoke grenade and tossing it into your yard pisses off some of your neighbors. The guy who lives 4 doors down is REALLY pissed. I don’t care. It isn’t illegal, and I broke no rules.

Categories: Uncategorized


jwl · July 2, 2020 at 4:35 am

Why,did the cloud obstruct his view of Venus or something? Or is he just one of the neighborhood folks who don't like anything out of the ordinary – ever?

Angus McThag · July 2, 2020 at 4:50 am

Smoke! out!

Miguel GFZ · July 2, 2020 at 7:24 am

He is gonna be so happy when you test the flash-bang.

TechieDude · July 2, 2020 at 2:29 pm

When we were boneheaded teens, my best friend and I pooled our dough and bought a clapped out dirt bike. The thing was mostly duct tape and radiator clamps. Someone had cut the exhaust and re-welded it with an expansion chamber. It was super loud.

One July 4th, my buddy was going up and down his suburban street trying to get the pig to do a wheelie.The sound echoing off the houses was exquisite, and the neighborhood crank went to complain to my friends dad, who blew him off.

The old man had been grinning like an idiot the whole time we were riding, gave us an epic line; "364 days a year I live by his rules. I can have a day. Fck him, ride your bike"

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