Our military is soon to have political officers to monitor units for political reliability, if this story is followed to its logical conclusion.

Categories: Military


Skyler the Weird · December 20, 2021 at 8:04 am

Don’t turn around, oh oh
Der Kommissar’s in town, oh oh…..🎶🎶

Sarin · December 20, 2021 at 11:58 am

I’d argue they already exist, albeit in the Marine Corps’ enlisted world. Cant speak for the other branches.

Within Uncle Sam’s Mobile Circus, Company First Sergeants and Sergeants Major (at Battalions and higher echelons) exist. One day it dawned on me that they were the equivalent of a political commissar.

Their billet description explains that they are the senior enlisted Marine and advise the Commanding Officer and assist in maintaining the unit’s morale, welfare and discipline.

In practice, they were the individuals either directly, or through edict, pushing enforcement of regulations.

Moreover, becoming a 1stSgt/SgtMaj is a lateral move, out of the occupational specialty that the Marine held from E1 – E7.

You could look at them as an HR Generalist.

They influence retention, enlisted fitness reports, unit-level punishment (Article 15), proficiency and conduct marks, amongst other items. That influence is directly tied to your longevity within the system. If you’re branded as “subversive” or a “piece of shit” that sticks with you until you leave the unit or the 1stSgt/SgtMaj does. Even then there’s no guarantee as their community is fairly small and insular. I saw many a witch hunt because someone hadn’t toed the line or the 1stSgt didn’t “like” the individual.

I could see an expansion of authority for this position within the Corps to accomplish much the same as the logical conclusion Divemedic mentions.

Sarg · December 21, 2021 at 3:56 pm

The Air Force has already instituted the organization that will be used to police member’s speech. Each Wing now has a DEI office (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) assigned at the Wing level. They have wasted no time in conducting self directed inspections throughout the installations looking for anything they can declare “racist, non-equal, bullying and a violation”. The EO office has been regulated to the rear. DEI is in charge.

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