I have a disaster plan. Since I don’t want to miss anything, I have checklists. The last steps on my checklist are scheduled to be completed 12 hours before the event and include:
1 Shut down the NAS that I am using as the household file server, take out the mirrored hard drives, and place one in the gun safe, the other in the BOV.
2 Place BOB in BOV.
3 Ensure safe room has flashlights, chem lights, and other items.
4 Take pictures of the inside and outside of the house, to use as “before” pictures, in the event an insurance claim needs to be made.
5 Check radio transmitters to ensure that emergency communications are operating.

I am as ready as I can be. The first rains that are a part of Irma hit me this afternoon. We got an inch of rain this afternoon. Winds have been relatively low so far, with the maximum so far being a gust to 25 mph. Tropical storm force winds are supposed to begin around 9 tomorrow morning. Right now, the NWS is saying we will see max winds of 90+ with gusts to 100+.

I will post periodically, as long as we have power and internet.

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