A newspaper in Tennessee has seen fit to post a searchable database of concealed weapons permit holders, claiming that they are public record, and therefore the public has a “right to know.” I agree, anything in public record should be publicized. Therefore, I give you the following public records, because it is your right to know.
The decision to create the database rests ultimately with the editor of the newspaper, Chris Peck. With that in mind, I am posting the following information that was taken from free, publicly-available Internet sites.
This is Chris Peck
Work Address:
The Commercial Appeal
495 Union Ave.
Memphis, TN, 38103
Work Phone: 901-529-2390
Work E-mail: peck@commercialappeal.com
Home Address:
21 Belleair Dr
Memphis, TN 38104-2726
Home Phone: 901-276-8314
Date and place of birth: August 2, 1950, Lander, Wyoming
His father was Robert Arthur Peck (b. October 7, 1924, Riverton, Fremont County, Wyoming – d. March 6, 2007, at 12:51 p.m., Cheyenne Regional Medical Center, Cheyenne, Wyoming, of pneumonia and West Nile virus) He was a journalist and a senator, and does not appear to be as anti-gun as his son.
His mother was Cordelia Ruth Smith (b. April 19, 1926 – d. February 17, 1996, in a single vehicle auto accident)
He has two brothers, George and Steve.
Link to Map and Aerial Photos of Chris Peck’s Home
Chris Peck’s Facebook Page
Chris Peck’s wife’s (Kathleen Mary Duignan) Facebook Page
they were married September 10, 1977
Chris Peck’s son’s (Cody C. Peck) Facebook Page
Chris Peck’s daughter’s (Sarah Kathleen Peck) Facebook Page
Here is a picture of Chris Peck’s house:
View Larger Map
4 bedrooms, 3 and a half baths.
4,505 square feet,
1.37 acre lot.
built in 1960
3 stories
detached garage
Mr Peck bought the home in 2002, and paid $583,500 for it
his 2008 property tax on the home was $9,278, the house was appraised at $496,600
here is a copy of the home’s deed
Aren’t public records great?
1 Comment
Anonymous · March 22, 2009 at 6:40 pm
Love it! Hoist by his own petard, so to speak. Of course, I’m sure he’ claim that *his* public record should be private – that’s the way those people work.
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