Leftist pundit Stephen Smith on Trump:
“The way that the Trump administration is handling it—’we want the most qualified, we want the smartest’—what you’re really saying is we want White dominance again. That’s what you’re really saying. You want White dominance!”
Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to be a racist if you aren’t white. In this case, Smith is racist against his own race. This type of self loathing is the end result of decades of Democrat policies telling blacks that they can’t possibly make it unless they are given an affirmative action boost.
Also in the same clip, Chuckie Schumer has the audacity to call out President Trump:
“For [the President of the United States] to throw out idle speculation while bodies are still being recovered and families still being notified.”
Like you and your party have done after EVERY SINGLE MASS SHOOTING over the past three decades? Ass.