This woman claims her daughter came out as a tranny at only 2 years old. What 2 year old has the self awareness to know the difference between boys and girls, much less having enough knowledge of this to know they are a tranny?
Children want all sorts of things. When my niece was 6 years old, she was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her reply was that she wanted to be the tooth fairy. Her Kindergarten classmates wanted to be lawyers, doctors, accountants, football players, and one even wanted to be a monster truck driver.
When you hear a 6 year old saying he wants to be a lawyer, a doctor, or an accountant, what you are really hearing is a child who is reflecting what his or her parents want. At six years old, children model the behavior of the person they see as their mentor. The same is true of children who want to be trannies.
At six years old, children do not yet comprehend the difference between boys and girls. For a girl to want to be a boy, there has to be a parent who is pushing them to want it. Maybe there is an older sibling or relative that is getting more attention from a parent, or maybe she is the only female child in the group and feels outcast.
One thing it isn’t is a desire of sexuality. My guess is that, in this case, the parent WANTS her to be a tranny. Why else write an entire article about it? This is another example of using children as political pawns. Stop grooming children to be your sexual toys.
Chris · September 25, 2021 at 2:35 pm
The women is a Liar.
And the state should take the child
joe · September 25, 2021 at 3:25 pm
but they won’t because they probably agree to let the child be whatever it wants…the goal of the left and the alphabet sex group is to make it legal for the sick fucks to have sex with kids…
Plan Accordingly · September 25, 2021 at 3:58 pm
Transhumanist depopulationists want zero population growth and won’t stop until they are stopped.
Big Ruckus D · September 25, 2021 at 3:59 pm
The problem with the state taking the child is that the state itself is a known proponent of this depraved faggotry. If the child has already conveyed (not really of course, but that’s the story being pushed) a preference for being turned into a mutilated circus freak – and I’ll vehemently assert that there is no such thing as a transsexual, so that word shall not be used – then the state will be all too happy to allow them to continue down this path and will actively facilitate the eventual destruction of their mind and body.
As has already been seen, judges have so ordered these perversions to proceed unchecked, and have “prevented” (by legal means anyway) concerned parties such as a father, from stopping the mutilation of their children at the hands of an evil bitch mother and butchers calling themselves doctors. And do note that it nearly universally the mother of a child at the root of every such one of these cases that becomes widely publicized. Funny thing, that.
Either way, the kid is fucked over for life (though one likely cut short by suicide) and the sociopathic attention whore masquerading as a mother “wins” isasmuch as her original objective – the ruination of her spawn in exchange for fakebook likes or a suitable equivalent – is still achieved by only slightly different means. Then as a bonus, she gets to play the sympathy card when the kids kills itself from suffering the misery and shame of having irreparably wrecked their lives. Viscerally disgusting, the whole rotten spectacle.
What’s the solution then? Well, I’m not prone to self-luminescence in the dark, so use your imagination. Some problems have only unpalatable means of resolution.
Then again, mass societal defects like these really just have to burn themselves out. Yes, that takes too long and results in mountains of collateral damage we don’t want or need, but unless one is personally affected by such an event, it is actually best to let psychologically diseased fuck-ups destroy themselves. After all, in the case at hand, the mother is clearly a lost cause, and the kid is 50% of the mother by way of genetic contribution, so is as likely as not to be a psych case themselves given time to grow to something close to maturity, thereby facilitating even more damage.
If writing off entire swathes of humanity as unsalvageable garbage that failed the evolutionary lottery offends your fragile sensibilities, then you really aren’t ready for a lot of stuff that is coming this way.
PaulB · September 25, 2021 at 11:06 pm
Baron Von Munchhausen called.
Eric Wilner · September 26, 2021 at 6:25 am
Exactly. Munchhausen syndrome by proxy, this is called? And our illustrious ruling class encourages it.
rightwingterrorist · September 26, 2021 at 6:13 pm
To take a page from their playbook, I would start saying that it’s impossible for white people to be trans.
Oppressors cannot choose.
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