The US is talking about making some B52s nuclear capable again. The ten bombers had been “denuked” in compliance with nuclear treaties with Russia. This is nothing more than bullshit saber rattling. It will take years, and will not make a difference. Not only that, but the Air Force admits that it no longer is capable of putting nuclear bombers on alert, because it just doesn’t have the men or equipment. Of course, this makes one wonder what use is an Air Force that can’t take to the air to employ force, but that is a different discussion.

The Navy chose to flex its nuclear muscles by having an E6 Mercury and an Ohio class missile submarine sail around in full view of the Russians off the coast of Norway. The message is clear- we have nukes, and they are at your back door. At that range (less than 1200 miles), missiles fired from that submarine would detonate over Moscow in less than 8 minutes. Not nearly enough time to react.

The Navy only has the capability of the Nuclear ballistic missile submarines for nuclear weapons at sea. Ever since the first President Bush pulled the nukes from the rest of the fleet. The personnel and equipment needed to put nukes back on to the rest of the Navy just no longer exists. Our carriers, attack submarines, and surface ships just do not have the ability to maintain or carry nuclear weapons. Nuclear armed Tomahawks and carriers with nuclear weapons just don’t and can’t exist in today’s US Navy.

Now consider that the Navy doesn’t even require its sailors to pass a physical fitness test any longer.

So for the US, it’s use ballistic missiles or nothing. Our military is an overly expensive, hollow shell that can’t accomplish many of its core missions. Any war against a near peer adversary is therefore likely to end with the exchange of strategic nuclear weapons as our military gets its ass handed to them.

Categories: Military


Michael · June 26, 2024 at 10:05 am

The old saying ” alligator mouth writing checks your canary ass cannot cash” comes to mind about our paper tiger military.

Aside from Nukes we have nothing good to show aside from terrorism attacks “From Ukraine” to show for it. The Hothi’s are soon going to show even more technical skills in delivering even more effective missiles and then what?

Oh, yeah, I forgot, we’ll nuke them. To quote Star wars “Fear, Fear of this Deathstar will keep the other systems inline”.

American needs some serious leadership and a large dose of humility. Pity the rest of the world is about to give us that humbling in the near future.

All empires have a life cycle. The ex-citizens of Rome didn’t vaporize when it fell, they just muddled along with the new leadership of outside barbarians.

foot in the forest · June 26, 2024 at 10:18 am

We pay more in interest on our national credit card then we spend on the military. 885 billion for military, 1.25 trillion in interest this year. For a Military that can’t fight even 3rd world goat herds.

    Rick T · June 26, 2024 at 4:11 pm

    We can fight them, and could probably win if the first order of battle was to shoot all the JAG officers in theatre and the second was destroy the satellite links, then go on with the same rules as WWII.

    From what I’ve read our ROEs today are written to make it as difficult as possible to send a muzzie to heaven.

      Michael · June 27, 2024 at 7:30 am

      Rick with respect, are you following Divemedics calm discussion on Logisitics and lack of them to fight a Near Peer Russia, let alone a two-front war against Russia and China?

      We fought WW2 with Russian HELP. They ground down the Germans for 3+ YEARS BEFORE D-Day. We got to fight the scraps left after the meatgrinders of the Eastern Front. Russians blocked Hitler from his oil supplies (Kind of important for aircraft and tanks) in stopping Operation Barbarossa.

      Hightechrebel (cool name BTW) same thought.

      Yes, Politicians screw up warfighting. What gives you the idea they would STOP micromanaging the next war?

      Aside from that Rules of Engagement doesn’t grant you extra ammo, trained and motivated troops and all that Logisitics that Divemedic was speaking towards.

      We don’t have the manufacturing nor weapons left in storage (sent to Ukraine and destroyed) to fight even for a month without going full NUKE.

      And that as Divemendic says so well is a loss for all involved.

    Hightecrebel · June 26, 2024 at 11:44 pm

    Oh please, we could and did beat the hell out of those goatherds on a literal daily basis. Much like Vietnam, our bureaucrats lost the war, not the military. Even with JAG and the politicians in uniform we would have completely crushed the Taliban and others, unfortunately everything was run through the State department instead. You know, the ones currently sending tens of millions of dollars (around 80 mil last I checked) a month to the Taliban, and we’re sending the fuckers money WHILE WE WERE FIGHTING THEM. I’m sure there are good people in the State Department, but considering the sum total of those I met while in I’d have to say they all deserve the wood chipper

TCK · June 26, 2024 at 4:17 pm

Hey now, our military men, women, and undecideds are absolute professionals at repeating SJW talking points, which is clearly more important than all this “war-fighting” nonsense.

AnonymousAnon · June 26, 2024 at 11:10 pm

The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, in which a Soviet submarine threatened a US ship with a nuclear-tipped torpedo, demonstrated the US Navy was militarily uncompetitive with its assigned adversary. Since then, the Millennium Challenge in 2002, a simulation in which the Iranian coastal fishing fleet were armed with Russian Silkworm missiles, made the US attackers combat ineffective. In the newer simulation in 202x, land-based Scud missiles sank ships despite US air dominance. The history of Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Britain show reserve currency status is historically lost after about 105 years, with social spending overpromises and loss of a naval battle.

    Divemedic · June 27, 2024 at 7:41 am

    I don’t believe that simulations and wargames are indicative of anything approaching reality. They are training tools that reflect the biases and desires of the training team, nothing more.

    Jane · July 3, 2024 at 4:09 pm

    Were those the simulations run by 250 Nobel prize winners in military science? Or were they Harvard military Academy field marshals from the MacNamara school? The Russian fleet has covered itself with glory both in action and serving its own sailors. Its ships rival those of France and Italian design in terms of effectiveness and deadliness. Now the Chicoms, renown as seamen, are out to conquer the seas. No doubt they too will awe us by putting silkworms on junks. Just as their military kicked the Vietnamese and Indians all over the place. Why their military ranks up their with Mussolini’s legions. Even the Russians stand in awe of the corruption that the Chinese military practices.

    It staggers the mind for anyone to say that a SCUD could sink anything, since its CERP is only about a mile. But hey if your a gender studies major it sounds good. Remember the Russians beat the Germans in WW2. Not the rest of the world.

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