Here is a case of a 14 year old evil person, who killed his 13 year old classmate. Some want to make sense of it, and I just don’t even try. To try and understand some things is to invite yourself to become like them.
Whenever someone asks me why people can do things to others, that is what I tell them: “Some people are just evil. The things that they do to other people don’t make sense to you, because you aren’t evil. Those people are broken, and that is why they do the things they do. “
I may not want to understand them, but I *do* know how to keep them from doing it again. It seems odd for me to say, because- I am opposed to the death penalty. Why? Because I don’t trust our court system not to do underhanded things like hide exculpatory evidence or manufacture evidence, not because I oppose the concept.
Miguel GFZ · May 11, 2021 at 6:45 am
Since there is plenty precedent in Florida, I believe he will be tried as an adult.
And there is a prison vacancy recently opened after another former 14 year old murderer is no longer with us
Ben · May 11, 2021 at 8:21 am
I’m with you on the death penalty. I think it’s an appropriate punishment for some crimes. I do not trust our government to administer it properly.
Better to err on the side of liberty and not give them the option of killing people.
Miguel GFZ · May 11, 2021 at 8:33 am
No death penalty in this case as he is under the 16 year old limit required by law.
Differ · May 12, 2021 at 6:03 am
“….areas near the North Amenity Center where she was last seen about 1:15 a.m.”
What was a 13 yr old doing out unaccompanied after midnight?
Divemedic · May 12, 2021 at 8:32 am
The story here is that she snuck out. The 1:15 am sighting was from a security camera video obtained by police from a nearby neighbor.
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