This blog gets anywhere from 20-40 spam comments per day. I periodically scan the spam filter to make sure legit comments are being filtered out. Spam comments are trying harder and harder to appear as though they are legit. This one tickled my funny bone:

I appreciate the way you use your platform to advocate for positive change, social justice, and equality, making the world a better place for all.

This one obviously doesn’t read this blog.

Categories: Blog News


Mean Rattler · June 3, 2024 at 7:37 pm

It could be sarcasm?
I kid, the comrades don’t have that kind of intellectual CPU.
They only mock the patriarchy and YT as it all burns down around them.
Good, good, enjoy please face wall now useless idiots.

Chiefjaybob · June 3, 2024 at 9:29 pm

You real8ze you’ve created a challenge for us, right? I mean, I appreciate the way you use your platform to advocate for positive change, social justice, and equality, making the world a better place for all.

IcyReaper · June 4, 2024 at 12:10 pm

You realize that statement is correct, right? You may want to talk another look at it.

You do advocate for positive change from the woke commie bullshit as do most of us commenters. You believe in social justice and equality for all under the original founding system of: everyone’s lives matter and you are treated equal no matter your position, no special treatment due to your race, sex or mental disorder and your life is your personal responsibility. Education and Hard work gets you a better life and treating people right until they prove they don’t deserve it. If they prove to be a danger to society and unable to correct themselves then its a fair trial followed by a quick hanging and back to life for us.

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