A Texas board has withdrawn its request for a George Floyd Pardon. I don’t understand why they wanted to pardon him in the fist place. It isn’t like he would have been released. Where he is, there is no pardon.

The board claims that his death in Minneapolis has nothing to do with the pardon request. That is bullshit, and everyone knows it.

Categories: Crime


joe · December 30, 2021 at 5:52 am

it came from a libtard attorney in Houston… what a blue shit hole that place is…

Big Ruckus D · December 30, 2021 at 12:57 pm

Heh. Just like the posthumous degree conferred on st. trayvon of the skittles. Pathetic posturing by congenitally stupid attention whores wanting their 5 minutes of emotional fellating by like minded leftist scum. Looking forward to the day when we can tear down their sacred statues and memorials (many undoubtedly yet to be erected) in retribution, as they have done to ours. Turnabout is always fair play, so fuck ’em.

Nolan Parker · December 30, 2021 at 8:26 pm

Pathetic posturing by congenitally stupid attention whores wanting their 5 minutes of emotional fellating by like minded leftist scum.

Pure poetry..

EN2 SS · December 30, 2021 at 8:40 pm

The reason reported in Houston, the pardon was considered because the cop that busted St. Shitforbrains was dirty. It’s been shown the cop setup several busts, lied to fellow cops/judges, large quantity of dope found in his patrol car. They’re still going through his case history, it is a total clusterfuck, top to bottom.

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