As I said before, I have a pretty comprehensive disaster plan, honed and adjusted after riding out or responding to more than a dozen disasters (10 hurricanes, 1 tornado outbreak, and the widespread brush fires of 1999)

It is organized into several sections, or phases:

Preparation (this is the normal, ongoing preps I am always taking)
Evacuation or pre-event

Pre-event was through Sunday.
Shelter was carried out from Sunday morning through Monday at first light.
Subsistence began yesterday at first light, and will continue until electrical power returns. This is the most tedious part of the storm process. The last time I had to do this was Hurricane Charley in 2004, and I was without power for 12 days.

I shut off the generator just after dark. We did a patrol of the area, and there are quite a few neighbors sitting in chairs on their driveways, enjoying the cool, post-hurricane weather. Eight other homes are continuing to operate generators at night, and two are living in RVs parked in their driveways. I have the only operating generator on my street of 14 houses.

This morning, I got up at 6 am (the eastern sky begins to lighten at about 6:45), refueled the generator, started it up and checked the freezer temp, which was up to 24 degrees. I fired up the propane stove and made breakfast burritos.

I took a quick ride to the closest three gas stations, but no luck on fuel. I have enough for two more days of running the generator at my current rate of consumption. After that, I will have to steal fuel from our second vehicle.

I am hoping to convince the wife to add a whole house gennie that runs on propane so I can install a 250 gallon tank, and maybe this storm will do the trick.

Categories: Uncategorized


chipmunk · September 12, 2017 at 3:39 pm

Glad to hear you weathered the storm and, so far, the aftermath.

Anonymous · September 13, 2017 at 8:44 am

Careful how you size the whole-house generator; there's a tendency to power everything because it's easy so a 250 gallon propane tank doesn't last as long as one hopes.

Big difference between a 450 watt whole house fan during the day and 300 watt window AC at night and running the heat pump to cool the whole house.

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