I don’t feel sorry for this guy.

To the press: stop whitewashing this:

Matt Ford, who goes back and forth between both New York City and Los Angeles, had been exposed via a friend in LA through skin-to-skin contact. 

If you don’t want monkeypox, you should stop sticking your penis in the rectums of other, random men.

Categories: Medical News


Mutiny of Preverts · July 1, 2022 at 10:43 pm

Almost TMI on that one and how will monkeypox LARP get going if the NY Post does journalism?
Watching a movie about a resistance fighter reporter for the Post from WWII.
Some people take freedom seriously.

Skeptic · July 2, 2022 at 8:03 am

Same way AIDS reached epidemic status. Random indiscriminate faggotry.

Jonathan · July 2, 2022 at 8:56 am

Yet again they are working hard to hide the side effects of their favored causes.
They didn’t the same thing with abortion; if they revealed how many women get injured or killed by it they would lose lots of customers.

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