From JKb over at gunfreezone, we read about this six year old kid that brought a gun to school and shot his teacher. Yeah, the young age of the kid is shocking, but what isn’t shocking is that a black student got away with multiple acts of violence. The kid is now staying with his grandmother, who blames the school and his teachers:

‘He’s progressing. He’s progressed more since he’s been at this school than all those crazy years he was in a Newport News public school system,’ he added. ‘And I guess basically what he needed was a stable environment. And he just needed to be in a loving environment.

The mother blames ADHD. The kid had a long list of violent outbursts.

When I was a teacher, one of my biggest complaints was that teachers trying to maintain control of their classrooms had to fight against the students, their administrators, and the parents. You would write a discipline referral, the kid would get a stern talking to, then sent back to class. Why? Because less discipline makes the school look better.

That’s why I was told that I would need to go to anger management after I got attacked by a student in my classroom. That’s why we teachers were told that because 30% of the student body was black, but 50% of referrals were written against black students meant that we were racists.


Noway2 · August 10, 2023 at 8:06 am

“ That’s why we teachers were told that because 30% of the student body was black, but 50% of referrals were written against black students meant that we were racists.”. Cultural Marxism. They’re just like us, only darker. There is a concept called karma and at its core, it means that where you are is the result of choices that you (and possibly others, eg parents) have made. Furthermore, where you can change where you go tomorrow, but your options will be influenced by your past and present. A black kid growing up in a monetarily poor, broken family home with a single mom either living off the dole or working three jobs to stay afloat isn’t going to have the same opportunities as a white kid who has a stay at home mom and a working dad that earns a solid salary. Why? Not because one is black and the other white, but because of the family and likely greater community dynamic. The fact that blacks commit crime at a much higher rate is a numerical statistical fact. Guaranteed this starts at home and in the schools.

    Divemedic · August 10, 2023 at 8:25 am

    67% of black children live in a single parent household. The black man who impregnates a woman and then takes off is so common that it’s become cliché.

    Compare that with 43% of Hispanic, 34% of white, and 20% of Asian children living in a single parent household. It’s almost like a child living in a stable household is directly tied to that child’s success in life. Married or not, a child needs a stable household where both parents are present.

Dirty Dingus McGee · August 10, 2023 at 1:03 pm

Grandma sez; ” all those crazy years he was in a Newport News public school system”

Kid is SIX FUKIN YEARS OLD. How many crazy years was he in this system? Two? Maybe 3?

Christ in a chariot driven sidecar.

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