They are losing their collective shit, and they are dumbasses about it. One suggestion is that, since California is the “fifth largest economy in the world” the state should withhold all exports from CA to the rest of the country, because they can make it without the rest of the nation.
My reply? Southern California gets 58% of its water from Lake Mead, you fucking mental midget. Try to grow food in the desert without irrigation.
The left is now saying that they want to form their own militias and are ready to start the Boogaloo. Sorry, embeds to Twitter are still broken.
Jesus Christ on a fucking pogo stick, the left is filled with retards, and they call US the uneducated ones. But you know what, I accept your terms.

Dirty Dingus McGee · November 8, 2024 at 1:30 am
Ok, so Mexifornia is going to quit exporting anything to the rest of the US. What the hell do they plan to do with all the crops then? I can manage just fine with no avocados or almonds, but can they with no water or fuel for the tractors? I don’t think there is enough of an overseas market to bring it up to an even trade situation so they best get set for their new diet of dust and righteous outrage. As it is now, a large percentage of produce in my local grocery store is coming from South America already so I don’t guess I’ll be losing much.
Same thought goes to those pissy fools in cities that think us rural folks need them and they can come out and take what they want from us.Step on up Skippy but you better pack a lunch because it’s gonna take you a couple minutes longer than you think. Or are y’all gonna be like the blowhard celeb lefty’s that were all gonna kill themselves by drinking Draino, driving off a cliff or jumping into a woodchipper, but didn’t and are still stealing oxygen from the rest of us?
I don’t WANT any of this to happen, but if it’s going to lets get rocking, sooner begun, sooner done. Besides, I’m on my 68th trip around the sun and probably don’t have a lot more ahead of me. Man up or shut up.
nicebead · November 8, 2024 at 7:23 am
I’m with you. Let’s get it over with. I’m on my 67th trip, right behind you.
The Southern Nationalist · November 10, 2024 at 2:09 pm
Same here nicebead.
Boneman · November 8, 2024 at 6:32 am
Perhaps they may. Perhaps they may not. To tip the hat to the late Mr. Limbaugh they have always been big on “Symbolism over Substance”. Let’s hope that’s mostly what we’re seeing here.
Your points are all well made… LOL… Lake Mead being one of them. Knee-Jerk reactions for sure. Think things through much there did they?
I for one will not “Gloat” as that’s going to accomplish nothing and actually plays in to their narrative.
EN2 SS · November 8, 2024 at 7:28 am
Leftists already have militias just look at the Big Looting Monkeys, the Fags, the Pedos, etc.
Divemedic · November 8, 2024 at 8:13 am
Note that they have been completely silent and not acting out.
This isn’t over. Something is brewing.
MiniMe · November 8, 2024 at 12:08 pm
Robert · November 8, 2024 at 4:06 pm
I saw way too many ANTIFA and BLM types at the ranges last spring. They were serious practitioners working on developing their skills. Some of them can cause big trouble. And their sponsors are still encouraging them.
Do not spend too much time gloating about our election victories over the Leftists. They never stop pushing and nothing is more dangerous than a cornered animal. We are still going to be forced to go through with some of the actions we have been blustering about.
Tom235 · November 8, 2024 at 8:45 am
I’ll admit I’m in favor of reverse secession. Let’s kick coastal CA out of the Union. We’ll keep Jefferson and east of the Sierra. They’ve done a good job of coercing water, power, and fuel from neighboring states while claiming to be a provider of so much the nation “needs” (like Hollywood “celebrities”?). It would be a fine experiment is finding out who needs what. They already have the border stations in place; let’s enforce the border from our side.
Not that it would ever happen but nice to think about.
WDS · November 8, 2024 at 8:47 am
If he’s so disappointed in America, Fritz can always head back to Germanistan.
But he and Skeletor’s sister won’t
tfourier · November 8, 2024 at 8:53 am
Look at the voting map of California counties. There is a thin Blue smear along the coast and the rest of the state is solid Red.
Let the Bay Area and coastal SoCal go their own way and let the rest of California join the new state of Jefferson. Blue California has no water, almost no ag, and most of the NG, oil and electric power gen is in Red California. The Bay Area is basically hi-tech (which sends most of its money to foreign tax havens) and SoCals now pretty much only survives on tourism and services. Its once huge industrial and manufacturing sector was destroyed over the last four decades.
Red California would love to get rid of the Blue Coast and their insane politics, politicians and the mostly recent arrivals / Trust Fund Baby idiot voters. Who all live on the Blue Coast. The crazy politicians and the people who vote for them rarely were actually born in California. Or else are the second generation kids of the affluent suburbs.
Roll on the expanded state of Jefferson . To the Sierras all the way down to the Salton Sea. It would solve so many problem. For the vast majority of ordinary folk in the state. Who live in Red California. And the Blue Coast would get a well deserved reality check as their water, gas, and electric quickly disappears and they slide in a South African style failed state situation.
Out West · November 8, 2024 at 9:30 am
If it wasn’t apparent how irrational these people are it should be now, to everyone. I agree with DM, there’s something brewing. They are not going to walk away from power except at the point of a gun.
TakeAHardLook · November 8, 2024 at 12:08 pm
So right. This shytpile has been smoldering for 100 years and, IMO, despite the Trump victory on Tuesday, these commies control many levers of power in America and they believe that this is THE moment, that they may never get a better opportunity to wrest total control over us.
Be the monkey wrench in their gears. Confident, assured, focused, honorable and with God in your heart.
C · November 8, 2024 at 9:53 am
In my county a leftie loon committed thirteen felonies on election day. All of them ranging from voter intimidation and malicious destruction of property to reckless endangerment and assaulting a police officer. Drove four hours from a blue county to a red county to attack a polling place. Fled the scene resulting in a high speed chase through two counties causing a whole lot of property damage. After the car was wrecked she rushed an officer and grabbed his AR trying to wrestle it away during the arrest. Officers found two children in the car. A toddler and a three month old. Both belonged to a friend and were supposed to be dropped off at school that morning. Did she go to jail? Nope. Local liberal Judge allowed her the option of counseling instead of jail. I want that judge gone. It’ll be hard to pull off because my state appointments their judges.
TCK · November 8, 2024 at 3:56 pm
And yet there are STILL people in jail over peacefully protesting 2020’s massive election fraud.
Just your daily reminder that “I’m a Democrat” and “I’m a soulless inhuman monster put on this world by the Devil to spread death, tyranny, and misery everywhere I go” are perfect synonyms.
GuardDuck · November 8, 2024 at 10:34 am
And 1/3 of California’s electricity is imported as well.
TakeAHardLook · November 8, 2024 at 12:03 pm
I’m with DM on this one. Be happy with this outcome because we of the Conservative Right don’t often get a chance to high five. So, celebrate but remember that we are dealing with the Left, aka Democrats, aka Social Progressives aka COMMUNISTS. There is really no difference among the terms, just the temperature of the water with which they are trying to boil us.
Something IS brewing because these commies have always taken their anger over events out into the streets where, because they feel safe doing so, and try to burn the Nation to the ground.
Look at Summer 2020 and remember all the arrests and prison sentences.
Right! There were virtually none. They were protected by their UberLords and those UberLords are still in place at least until 20 January, 2025.
These commies are like my granddaughters: if you don’t hear them then they are up to no good.
Be happy! Celebrate this moment wisely, drink from the clear stream but watch to your left & right–and have a friend covering your six.
Continue to prep, to harden your AO and stay away from crowds.
mike · November 8, 2024 at 1:40 pm
They could still get us into a hot war in 3 or 4 locations, all of them have nuclear escalation potential. The US is likely to take some severe military losses in any of the potential hot war situations even if they don’t go nuclear. The current regime is certainly not above declaring a national emergency if our woke military is taking a beating overseas. The Middle East worries me the most of this list because the side we have chosen to bomb there has been infiltrating terror squads into the country for years and we have been expecting them to go hot with a widespread terror rampage any moment now since last Oct 7.
The @ntifa types are probably trying to work out a new strategy in the wake of the election outcome. They have been wearing the Pro Palestine hats for the last year, and it could be dangerous for them to be seen as militant accomplices of the real Axis of Resistance terrorist teams should that scenario happen. It would be better for them to drop the arab headgear and go back to the BLM/LGBFJB “oppressed minorities” strategy they had in 2020. This will likely cause a split in the organization should it come to pass as the antizionist factions are not likely to drop the current main effort. I expect that once they sort that out, both movements will become more active in the coming weeks. Watch for increased agitprop like night letters and vandalism directed at Trump supporters. I picked up a call on my local police frequency this morning for the removal of a unauthorized and profane anti-Trump banner that was hung on the town library during the night.
The Economy remains beyond repair no matter who is in the White House. Kicking the remaining props out from under it and the US Dollar once Trump is in office would be a good way for them to introduce chaos and pin it on the new sitting president.
I don’t think they are above another try at an epidemic. It would have to be more lethal this time since we all learned our
Sardaukar · November 8, 2024 at 2:19 pm
Regarding Kalifornia succession, I’m an advocate of ret. Colonel Tom Kratmans plan to let California secede so that we can (1) recognize it, (2)mobilize against it, (3)invade it, (4)conquer it, (5)crush it, (6)execute the leaders (after a trial, of course!) and finally, restructure it as a territory sin suffragio en perpetua, never to be allowed to vote in national elections ever again like Guam & Puerto Rico. Having had lived /worked there for over 20years I whole heartedly support this plan.
Bear · November 9, 2024 at 12:47 pm
Living in Arizona, I get to see many of these “project stupid” graduates. They are definitely the product of California’s “dumb em down better” program.
The Southern Nationalist · November 10, 2024 at 2:05 pm
Anyone else noticed soy boy flinch when she mentioned “militia”?
She’d probably be better in a fight anyways, she seems to have some spirit about her.
If they want to rumble then we are ready, may they make the first salvo.
Anonymous · November 10, 2024 at 9:04 pm
You’re accurate, if the fight is here; let it be now, while we are standing together.
I, think don’t they are dumb enough to put off the backlash/riots till next year.
If that is so, they are finished, but not in the long run. Communism like cockroaches, crabgrass is hard to stamp out. But, this is what we are dealing with: cockroaches, crabgrass, they never die.
Bear in Indy
Anonymous · November 10, 2024 at 7:43 pm
Boycott all things from Commiefornia. I plan on it. Do it now, give these a-holes a taste of their own hateful BS. F/EM
One of my staples in the morning is from Bolthouse Farms, ‘Green Goodness’.
Done with it, and Anything made, grown, or coming from Commiefornia.
Bear in Indy
Aesop · November 14, 2024 at 8:53 pm
Sorry, but SoCal only gets about 25% of its water from the Colorado River, and that isn’t from Lake Mead, which borders on CA to the tune of 0%. Lake Mead, btw, gets nearly 100% of its water from Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona. Lake Mead provides 0% of its water directly to any part of California.
The other 75% of SoCal’s water comes entirely from within the state.
The Colorado River Aqueduct draws from below Lake Havasu, on the CA border with Arizona, and water from Lake Mead only gets there indirectly, because NV isn’t allowed to keep everything that falls upstream, nor could it even do so, in any wet year.
Idiots thinking they could cut off CA’s water (as if that were possible) would start two wars:
one with AZ, and another with Mexico. Best wishes with that plan.
And if we hadn’t been cursed with Moonbeam for four terms, CA could have built the dams, reservoirs, and aqueducts his less idiotic father had originally planned, and CA could do without a drop of water from the Colorado River ten years out of any seven.
Facts and geography matter.
And btw, wherein are those two retards in the video identified as anyone from Califrutopia?
(They may be here now, or they may not, but the video was remarkably fact-free on that point.) The video, and an unattributed suggestion from “somewhere” that Califrutopia ban all exports, evidently have zero relation to each other.
There is no shortage of whackadoodle Harris voters in any of 50 states, this one included.
Spare me identifying all of those retards as being from here, or in any way representative of any particular state. When last I looked, Harris was just another anchor baby plopped out from foreigners in CA (like 2/3rds of CA births currently), this time from Jamaica and India, and for a remarkable change (mainly owing to how things were here 60 years ago), by a couple who actually had green cards beforehand, back when illegal aliens were deported, not welcomed by both parties. Color me shocked.
48.2% of the people in the entire U.S. currently are demonstrably idiots, based on electoral results not even two weeks old. Even Texas and Florida, which are purpling up nicely, boast a 42% idiot voter ratio, and a bare 7% shift flips both states forever. You own your wingnuts, and I’ll deal with mine.
While you’re up, take back the ones that moved here from everywhere else, and then let’s see which state has a bigger monopoly on crazy. The betting is open.
And maybe google Pelosi’s home state sometime. Or that of recalled CA Gov. Gray Davis. Or Sen. Barbara Boxer. Or Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Brighter readers may spot a trend.
Meanwhile, the two most sensible and conservative presidents in the last 50 years have been from California and New York. The online peanut gallery should suck on that slice of reality for awhile before they run off in all directions seeking a scapegoat. So maybe not so much with the gratuitous bashing, when there’s blame enough to go around.
Maybe stick to what the progtards believe, rather than putting the blame onto which state they’ve carpetbagged into last.
Just a thought.
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