Two people were killed (one an American citizen) and one injured when the vehicle they were in detonated an IED near Brownsville, TX.

Categories: Crime


Michael · February 26, 2025 at 6:49 am

As Gomer Pyle USMC might say “Surprise, Suprise, Surprise”.

Declaring war on the cartels and surprised they will not stay in Mexico to fight back? How “War on Terror” OVER THERE of you.

I suspect the cartels being businessmen will wait a bit to see how we react and if we back off or not before a more impressive wide-ranging terrorism.

Sadly, the legal law abiding Spanish looking citizens will suffer in public ignorance if this becomes more widespread.

Who locked up the Japanese citizens for WW2?

    Divemedic · February 26, 2025 at 8:06 am

    I don’t understand your point.
    The Cartels setting off IEDs is nothing more than terrorism, and the US should respond with overwhelming force. Create a 10 mile wide ‘no go’ zone south of the border, with the inside of that zone being a free fire zone. If it doesn’t work, make it 20 miles. Sooner or later, they will get the point.

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