I went to a job fair yesterday. Who do I see there, other than the HR director from my hospital. Let’s call them Hospital A. She approached me and asked if I have considered a job with her hospital, you know, the one I currently work for. I responded with, “I already do. I have offers from Hospital X. I would love to stay where I am, though. After all, I have been here for two years.”
She asks me how much I am being offered. I tell her, and ask if there is any thought of matching it. She says, “Oooh. There is someone I would like to introduce you to.”
She walks me over to the next table and introduces me to the HR director for Hospital Y. The one I interviewed with last week, who had already offered me a job. As soon as my HR director walked off, hospital Y HR director says, “Let’s at least steal some of the cupcakes that they are giving away.” So we ate some of Hospital A’s cupcakes and had a laugh.
There’s my answer. I now know that I cannot stay where I am. The other hospitals have good pay and benefits. Mine has cupcakes.
I will finish out the May schedule and then take a couple of weeks off before starting my new job at Hospital X. In other news, I am also thinking about starting work on my Masters Degree in the fall.
1 Comment
SoCoRuss · March 30, 2023 at 2:52 pm
You ever thought about a lawsuit claiming you had to leave due to stress from a unmanageable environment since they punished you for just defending yourself. Now you seem to be a target to try and force out with pay lowballs?
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