As I have posted before, the US military will obey orders to attack Americans. The only good news here is that this is what the US Army is becoming:

That’s why they are begging the guys who were kicked out for failing to get the jab to return. The left thinks that having guns is all that is required to win. It isn’t just the possession of guns, it’s the will and the knowledge to use them, as well as the ability and determination to do whatever it takes. A bunch of barracks soldiers who won’t do their jobs isn’t going to be up to the task.

This is a third world type of military, one which is only good enough for intimidating and massacring a bunch of unarmed civilians. They surely will have a hard time beating an armed and determined foe.

Categories: Military


Alvin · December 19, 2023 at 5:23 am

Back in the Day… Garret troopers. Rear End MF

Elrod · December 19, 2023 at 8:01 am

They do know they’re proposing “Live Action 3-Gun Stages” and “6.5 Creedmoor Accuracy Testing At One Klick” in every metropolitan area, don’t they?

No, I don’t think they do.

Bigus Macus · December 19, 2023 at 8:15 am

And these are the kids that voted for Biden.

Skeptic · December 19, 2023 at 8:40 am

Shocker. They’re black.

Anonymous · December 19, 2023 at 9:33 am

“It isn’t just the possession of guns, it’s the will and the knowledge to use them, as well as the ability and determination to do whatever it takes.” Ding-ding-ding! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Patton said (possibly?) “Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. To win a war, you don’t beat weapons, you beat the soul of the enemy man.” Another thing he said was “It is the cold glitter in the attacker’s eye, not the point of the questing bayonet, that breaks the enemy line.”

“This is a third world type of military, one which is only good enough for intimidating and massacring a bunch of unarmed civilians. They surely will have a hard time beating an armed and determined foe.” Two for two!

Now take that a step further: if they get frustrated because of having a hard time beating their armed and determined foes, and start massacring a bunch of unarmed civilians… what do you think the effect will be on their armed and determined foes?

Something tells me that they won’t benefit from the Geneva Conventions if they’re not observing them themselves.

mike · December 19, 2023 at 11:42 am

It is interesting to consider the various ways this standing military could disintegrate in the near future. They could get crushed in a peer or near peer war on the one hand or just simply wither away from lack of funds should the economy collapse if they are lucky. Most of the possibilities have been seen before in history, but this willful mockery of all the proven tenets of the martial arts and holding up in their stead every form of perversion and un military conduct as a replacement has to be a first. In 10.000 years of human warfare, I cannot think of a single example where someone deliberately built an army that promoted the weak and unfit over the strong, fit, and capable. There certainly is no recorded example of such an army ever existing before, never mind one that prevailed in a fight. Ask yourself if these sheboons are more likely to perform like Alvin York when it counts or if the clear shortcomings on display here spell out a very different outcome.

Big Ruckus D · December 19, 2023 at 11:46 am

Mmmm hmmm. Snowflakes melt under minimal heat. Make of that what you will. And then consider the invaders – while many of them are almost certainly hardened criminal thugs – they don’t speak the language, and are not of the mindset to take orders from someone else to do a mundane job just for a paltry paycheck, and shitty food and shelter (to borrow a theme from the disgruntled grunts of tiktok. Recruiting them is not likely to yield results that are amenable to the jerk offs in charge of the military now. These are the cracks showing in the “brilliant plan” our overlords have concocted.

They might fantasize of using them as a cudgel against us, but the execution is a long way from the idea. Which is not to say the .mil doesn’t present a danger to us, but rather that the danger when they are brought in direct conflict with American civilians is overstated. Provided, of course, that said civilians are not reluctant to melt snowflakes. These opportunists will wither under pressure brought to bear by those capable of firing on (and hitting) them. They are not prepared to die for “their country” because they don’t consider this their country. It’s just a shitty job, and one that they openly despise, at that.

One thing we can take some measure of comfort in is that the assholes in charge really are stupid and incompetent, and getting obviously moreso. We’ll still have to beat them and remove them forcibly from power. But the fact is that it can be done, and plowing through an army of ill-equipped malcontents is going to be one of the steps towards that goal.

Jester · December 19, 2023 at 1:45 pm

These are the sorts that would tell their next line leader to fuck off if given an order somewhat dangerous or that makes them do something. “Council me later fam” If they get kicked out they find a way to get their discharge upgraded so they can collect full VA bennies and play the ptsd card to the max.

Steve the Engineer · December 20, 2023 at 3:00 pm

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