Trump is getting things done so quickly, that it is difficult to keep up. The latest is how the left has its panties in a bunch because the President has ordered the CDC to cease all collaborative work with the WHO, effective immediately.

The left is pointing to possible set backs to work on investigating and trying to stop outbreaks of Marburg virus and monkeypox in Africa. They also point out that health authorities around the world are monitoring bird flu outbreaks among U.S. livestock.

  1. Marburg is a hemorrhagic fever that is not seen outside of Africa. It isn’t our problem- so let the WHO solve it. The only outbreak of Marburg that wasn’t in Africa occurred in Germany in 1967 and was due to lab workers being exposed to African monkeys.
  2. We don’t give a crap about monkeypox. Stop having gay sex. Solved.
  3. The CDC’s job is literally to monitor the US livestock infections. If they can’t handle that without the assistance of the WHO, then maybe we should disband the CDC and the $10 billion a year they get in funding can be better used elsewhere.

Those who oppose withdrawing from the WHO claim that it requires Congressional approval. OK, but that doesn’t require the US continue to provide them with information, workers, and contractors. Find the loopholes. That’s what they did to us for the past four years, so now Trump is using the left’s own tactics against them.

The WHO has an annual budget of 2 to 3 Billion, with nearly half of it coming from the US. Why does the United States, who already has the CDC and USAMRIID, need to fund the World Health Organization? Let the rest of the freeloading countries of the world stop sucking at Uncle Sam’s teat.

It’s time that we spend our money for us, and stop looking at taxpayer dollars as some charity fund for the rest of the world, or as a free money program for useless government employees. Do your job, or learn to code.

I would go one step further- let’s also withdraw from the UN, or at the very least, fund it on a more equitable level and let them establish their headquarters somewhere else.

Categories: Government


Joe Blow · January 29, 2025 at 8:21 am

And NATO too, while we’re at it. The North Atlantic isn’t our problem, either, and the enemy it was conceived of to fight no longer exists. It’s obviously been manufacturing enemies for the last 20-30 years, it’s no longer a benefit, but a detriment.

Jerseygirl Angie · January 29, 2025 at 8:24 am

Regarding the UN – my spouse had a fantastic idea – kick them out of New York, and relocate them to Gaza . They love the Palestinians so much , let them be surrounded by them, and see how that works out !

    Tree Mike · January 29, 2025 at 8:39 pm

    They could pick up the real estate CHEAP. Then Israel could bomb them too! Win! Win!

SmileyFtW · January 29, 2025 at 8:43 am

“ Those who oppose withdrawing from the CDC…”… from the WHO is what I think you mean.

    Divemedic · January 29, 2025 at 8:56 am

    You are correct. Too many 3 letter agencies.

mike · January 29, 2025 at 9:06 am

1,2,3, Exactly! Trump was a somewhat moderate reformer until they waged unrestricted legal and political warfare on him from 2016 until the present. Trying to kill him on top of it all after manufacturing a “pandemic” and stealing the 2020 election seals it. Full court press pushback and justice. unlike the enemy, we do not need to manufacture fake crimes to charge them with, everything they pulled is a high crime worthy of death. If they want to go to war to try and stop it then so be it, we were already ready for the worst and the federal security apparatus is mostly back in friendly hands now.
I am sure they were going to hit us with the Bird flu or another virus to run the 2020 playbook again. Stripping the WHO associations and the CDC of its power will head off that operation.

Craig · January 29, 2025 at 9:16 am

I wholly agree. Out of the who and the un. Use the old un building for vets and others truly in need as a temporary deal.

TRX · January 29, 2025 at 9:25 am

Moving the UN out of NYC would strongly affect the economy. Drug dealers and hookers would lose a lucrative clientele. And so would tow truck companies. Diplimatic immunity lets the diplomats laugh at parking tickets, but they can’t get out of paying the towing fees.

TRX · January 29, 2025 at 9:27 am

> relocate them to Gaza

Nah, let the North Koreans have the honor of hosting the United Nations bureaucracy.

They even have a giant pyramid tower they could host them in, that has never been used.

Skyler the Weird · January 29, 2025 at 1:57 pm

Greenland or Antarctica would be good places for a new UN HQ.

    LargeMarge · February 2, 2025 at 8:41 am

    How about Somalia.
    Or an empty swamp in Alabama or Nebraska.
    Instead of a fancy building, give them a few picnic-tables in the muck.
    And surround them with buckets of rotting vegetables.
    But no-fair chucking old potatoes or rancid avocados at them during words… wait for the pause.

Rommel's Halftrack · January 29, 2025 at 2:00 pm

Keep the commie rat POS vermin on their toes.
Make the enemy’s head spin.
It’s our turn now.

Anonymous · January 29, 2025 at 3:34 pm

Preach on, bro !

Anonymous · January 29, 2025 at 3:38 pm

I am trying to get my mind around the $10 trillion annual spending that the USA has now. That just is insane.

TakeAHardLook · January 31, 2025 at 9:49 am

DM, your post is spot-on. And the comments, just as much. I have often grumbled that the UN should be relocated in Chad, or Papua, New Guinea, etc., so as to “stimulate the local economy.”

As long as it is not the U.S. that has to fund the move and the new construction (yet, how much could it cost to build one-story ox dung & mud daub complexes of buildings consistent with the native commercial architecture, anyway)?

As to the certain to come “Plandemic 2,” anyone with two neurons to rub together needs to PUSH BACK maximally: NO masks, NO travel restrictions, NO six foot social distancing nonsense, NOTHING!

Be the wrench in the works. A tyrannical government only gets away with what the collective citizenry allows them to.

    LargeMarge · February 2, 2025 at 8:43 am

    Can we still follow grocery-store arrows?
    Those humble decals saved millions of American lives…

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