There is a tranny at work. It’s the most fucked up thing ever. This dude has a woman’s haircut, but Don Johnson style stubble. He wears women’s clothes and facial expressions like Dana Carvey doing the Church Lady.

This is so insulting to actual women. This is what these crazy freaks think a woman is: a hairstyle, some clothes, and a stupid expression. Then we are all expected to pretend that he is actually a woman.
Don’t get me wrong- I am not an asshole to him. I’m cordial, because he obviously is mentally ill. Any man who thinks he is a woman must be. I’m not mean to people with diseases- I mean I won’t bully or make fun of crippled people. I just carefully avoid talking to him unless work duties require me to do so.
Every conversation that you have with these nutcases places your job at risk. It’s a political minefield. So I just avoid him as much as I can.

D · February 10, 2024 at 11:35 am
You are indeed correct. These people are mentally ill. But, instead of placing them in nuthouses, like they should be, they are now in places of employment. And, if you so much as look at them in an odd way, (because they are absolutely 100% odd as fuck), then you get called in to HR and asked what is wrong with YOU. Even though you are a normal, level headed, reasonable adult. But we ain’t in normal times when we have a SCOTUS justice who is on the highest court of the land, saying she doesn’t know what a woman is. What a truly, fucked up time we live in.
Reader · February 10, 2024 at 11:56 am
It’s negotiating a minefield.
It get trickier when you deal with’em on the phone…just a voice.
After 50 plus yrs of life..well, one has a natural response to a voice
My state had one for background checks and at the end of the conversation I made the mistake of “Thank You Sir, Have a good day”….
Well fuck me, I got hit with a Verbal Nuclear Explosion.
I Bit my tounge, I don’t own the shop I work at and didn’t wanna bury my boss’s in some BS.
Dude didn’t last long maybe 6 months, Jessica? Yeah,Yeah right buddy..
GuardDuck · February 10, 2024 at 12:02 pm
We’ve had several over the years at my work. One got fired for being a terrible employee. The other decided to change back into a guy. There at least one more I’ve heard of, but different department, so I’ve never seen and don’t even know if he’s still around.
Story about the first one. Went by the name Rosalita.
Rosalita is about 6 feet tall. Skinny, blonde, and surgically enhanced. Passable from a distance.
Different department, but worked out in the field with us knuckledraggers. ‘She’ shows up one cold winter morning at our field office riding a little pink scooter. Parks it right in front of the window, comes in through the room we are all in for the morning briefing, and walks back to ‘her’ departments office.
Nobody makes a sound as she passes through. Partially because ‘Different department’. Mostly because interaction with certain types of people is fraught with danger.
After ‘she’ is well out of earshot, one of the wiseasses said, “you guys know why Rosalita is riding her scooter in the middle of the winter? She’s hoping she freezes her balls off!”
Much coffee was spit.
Dan D. · February 10, 2024 at 12:16 pm
The freedom to put up posts like this is exactly why you should host your own blog.
jimmyPx · February 10, 2024 at 1:19 pm
I worked with one 20 years ago, so it was early days with the trans thing.
The guy was a freaking lunatic. He had been married to his wife for 30 years and then “discovered he was a woman” ? He then talked on his blog how horrible his wife was for leaving him because she didn’t want to be in his “lesbian relationship” all while he kept his “fishing pole and tackle” but was impotent due to the hormones he was taking.
Besides the gender lunacy, he was outright rude to customers and no one wanted to work with him. Also anything you said even work related was reported to HR.
After a number of good employees quit over this BS, they moved him to HR to be the “trans delegate” and there he still is 20 years later (I quit 15 years ago but have friends still there).
In his HR role, he brought MORE trannies in ! One was a big hairy Somoan dude who wore a dress and high heels to work. Lots of fun to see a hairy guy in a dress in the urinal next to you in the john. He also talked on his phone about his insanity and my cube was next to his so I could hear him talk about how excited he was to be castrated soon !!
These guys should be in a nut house but because of PC and if you want to keep your job, you have to put up with the BS.
Lieutenant America · February 10, 2024 at 1:38 pm
After reading Arthur Sido the other day went to dollar circus and there was a pink haired Afrokwan of the Kwanstain (FUSA) with pink hair holding up the line and clerk going yes maam.
At the start of the hysteria during the yes maam Gillette is the best you can get there was an online photo of an actual auto transmission on the floor of the men’s room and the caption…there’s a tranny in the bathroom which still cracks me up.
“We will corrupt the West so bad that it stinks.”
Willi Munzenberg, Frankfurt School.
Jon · February 10, 2024 at 1:41 pm
We had one at work, too. Fairly competent engineer beforehand; total freakshow after. Lots of issues with a specific project directly attributable to that person’s issues but not fireable because tranny.
Retired last year….
Kdog · February 10, 2024 at 1:52 pm
In the 80s, I worked on cars a lot, and people thought nothing of calling transmission fluid, tranny fluid. I rarely hear people calling it that anymore, you never know who you might offend. World was a much saner place then.
Boneman · February 10, 2024 at 2:19 pm
To quote the late and great radio host (and influence on the late Rush Limbaugh) Bob Grant: “It’s sick out there and getting sicker.”
And I’m with you as to being disengaged. A closed mouth gathers no feet.
EN2 SS · February 10, 2024 at 11:06 pm
Yep, go along to get along and not cause trouble. That’s worked so well so far, hasn’t it?
Raymond · February 10, 2024 at 8:59 pm
Here in Northeast Ohio we have a few rather interesting “healthy food” places to eat. The food can actually be pretty good… at the counter you usually get a bowl of rice and greens with a bunch of different types of vegetables piled on top, and some sort of good meat, all covered with a delicious sauce. So far so good.
But these restaurants are typically staffed with the most disgustingly bizarre and unhealthy looking people I’ve ever seen. It’s not just the over-the-top tattoos and piercings and odd haircuts, they all have a generally unhealthy and “warped” look about them. So I don’t usually patronize these restaurants unless I’m with a friend who wants to go there.
Today, I stopped in at one of the places with some work associates and was horrified to discover that one of the people working behind the counter, ladling out the food, was some sort of half man/half woman half black/half White tranny, with giant boobs, a big beard, red and green and yellow hair, a deep voice, and a body covered with so many tattoos and piercings that it looked like they’d lost an ugly fight with a tackle box. The mental illness was palpable. I literally stopped in my tracks and had to force myself not to stare.
That person needs help, not affirmation. I felt so bad for him/her/it.
I ended up pretending that my belly was hurting so that I wouldn’t have to eat there. Maybe that makes me a terrible person, but I literally could not stomach the thought of that person handling the food that I was going to eat. It was better to just go hungry.
SiG · February 10, 2024 at 9:40 pm
If you ever watch the comedy show on Fox, “Gutfeld!”, he has a regular contributor who’s a black former pro wrestler, and goes by the name Tyrus. He uses the phrase “woman face” for the trannies who put on a bunch of bad makeup and say they’re women. It’s to emphasize that it’s like blackface; a bad stereotype parody of what women look like, and it should be publicly shamed like appearing in blackface currently is.
Itziri · February 11, 2024 at 12:25 am
I have zero issues telling troons (shorthand for trans groomers, which almost all of them are) that they do not have the right to demand my participation in their mental delusion.
Jen · February 11, 2024 at 7:59 am
Was at new employee training 20 years ago. In stumps this really tall presenter in a flowing seafoam green chiffon frock, like you’d wear to a wedding. She got to the front and addressed us in a startlingly deep, Bea Arthur voice. Then she turned sideways, and the screen behind her lit up the Adam’s apple and the stubble she’d neglected to shave.
I never heard another word he said.
paulb · February 13, 2024 at 10:14 am
You remember that game Minesweeper from Windows 95?
When I visit Brazil every year to see my wife’s family, one of my wife’s favorite hobbies is to point out beautiful girls passing by for me to admire… but every now and again she’ll drop a bomb on me and one of the girls will have been a dude and I didn’t pick up on it at a distance, and then she’ll call me gay. Pretty sure I have PTSD now. I don’t like this game.
Aesop · February 15, 2024 at 11:00 am
Just because someone has a delusion they’re proud of, it neither requires nor compels anyone else to participate, to any degree, no matter how butthurt that makes Walter Mitty. Or Walter Missy.
Unless you’re acting in a production, there should be no expectation that an audience will suspend disbelief.
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