The commie assholes that were arrested in DC this week? Half saw their charges dropped, the other half were released without bail.

Contrast that with the J6 protesters who are rotting in jail and receiving sentences measured in decades. Now tell me that our legal system has anything to do with justice.


Barnie Sandlers · July 26, 2024 at 3:30 am

Leave the World Behind 2025 LARP incoming?
Only the stupidest society in human history would let in multiple Trojan horse armies and say this is fine.

Michael · July 26, 2024 at 5:48 am

JUST Us, as Gomer Pyle might say “Surprise, Suprise, Suprise”.

Arguing with leftists is like mud wrestling a pig, YOU get tired and dirty and the Pig Loves it.

Arguing about 2nd Amendment “Rights” is worse as they will REMEMBER YOU for future Doxxing and reeducation-elimination.

Years, decades of Propaganda and Leftist schooling has brought us to this point, friends. GROK THAT PLEASE.

Never the less we all try to speak truth to the disturbed and wonder why they cannot hear it, MAH FEEELINGS! THAT’S RAYCESSEST and SHIT and so on spills out of them.

The quote, “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities,” is attributed to the French Enlightenment writer Voltaire. It highlights the danger of unquestioningly accepting false or irrational beliefs, which can lead to harmful actions. Voltaire’s emphasis on critical thinking and skepticism remains relevant today.

Atrocities is just the side effect of Icepick Socialism (Communism lite). Or a useful tool to cow the few who still question the insane demands of “our betters”.

It’s not getting worse friend, just more obvious said the Joker meme so well.

Protect your trusted friends and trusted family. Betrayal is a favorite commie weapon.

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