Maybe having a 50BMG rifle IS a good idea after all…

Categories: Government


TCK · October 9, 2024 at 4:08 am

This is a nothing-burger.
If you’ve made it this far and still haven’t realized that “I’m a Democrat” and “I’m a soulless inhuman monster placed on this Earth by the Devil to spread death, misery, and tyranny everywhere I go” are perfect synonyms, you are beyond help.

Miguel GFZ · October 9, 2024 at 5:41 am

I seem to recall one occasion and RPGs

Anonymous · October 9, 2024 at 5:57 am

I would be interesting to if they had IFF and if it was turned on. Need to check monkey werks for that. They would had to come from Fort Bragg .

EN2 SS · October 9, 2024 at 6:14 am

Because the locals and civilian volunteers from all over stopped allowing the communist fema to confiscate and store the freely given support that all of Americans have sent? One or two posts on social media could be called a conspiracy theory, but hundreds of them mean that fema is actively trying to stop all relief efforts. Even Musks donation of hundreds of Starlinks was taken.

Dan D. · October 9, 2024 at 8:24 am

When I watched this on Monday I immediately wondered why that craft didn’t take small arms fire. I mean, they’re playing for all the marbles out there on the ground and that pilot chose the opposing side.

Zarba · October 9, 2024 at 8:26 am

It wasn’t “unmarked”. It was a NC National Guard chopper; they’ve already admitted that.

They’re saying it was accidental; we can have arguments about that.

WDS · October 9, 2024 at 8:52 am

The NCNG is now claiming they were delivering generators and that the air crew in the Blackhawk have been grounded. People aren’t buying it though. Imagine that.

Steve S6 · October 9, 2024 at 9:23 am

Or a Solothurn S-18.

C · October 9, 2024 at 10:47 am

I have experienced rotor wash by asshole pilots. You’d be surprised how hard a double wall Gaylord box hits when it’s got a 50mph gust propelling it.

The dickheads weren’t happy about making a second landing to extract the rest of us. They were content leaving six of us on the ground way out in the boonies. Said it was a fuel issue. Took an E-9 screaming at them to do a second pickup.

    C · October 9, 2024 at 10:53 am

    First experience was delivering supplies to hajis way up in the Kush mountains. They kicked the box out the back and blasted off. I didn’t know what hit me until I saw a giant ass cardboard box tumbling down the slope.

    Second time was an extraction after spending two weeks there. First chopper landed and picked up half of us. The second one circled around and kept going. Called saying WTF. After a higher up screamed at them they came back to pick us up. Kicked up a huge dust storm with the rotor wash. With near zero visibility I was lucky I didn’t walk into the rotor blades.

Grumpy51 · October 9, 2024 at 11:22 am

Figures might have changed, but back in the 90’s had several 60-crew members tell me (air medical, puny 117) that their rotor-wash could exceed 100 mph. I have seen a city sign post ripped out the ground and tossed into a parked car….. and that helo (Blackhawk) was trying to land on a 6-story landing pad….. had to be waved off as it exceeded the capability of the pad…..

Unknownsailor · October 9, 2024 at 7:13 pm

Info I have is that parking lot was used to land rescue helos before, so that crew were trying to land where they thought they were supposed to go, and they aborted when they saw how much supplies were being blown around.
You were on a carrier, so you know what ATO is. I worked ATO on the Kitty Hawk, and would routinely stand on the landing area foul line as SH-60s would come in to land on spot 3. The 60 blows some rotor wash, but not CH-46 levels, and certainly not MH-53 levels.

Papa · October 9, 2024 at 7:24 pm

Because the chopper crew is stupid.
Blind faith in whoever was directing them into landing, if there was even an LZ director.
Stupidity, ignorance, pride, not logically thinking through where they were landing.

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