Ohio is under a curfew, prohibiting people from leaving their homes from 10pm to 5 am for the next 21 days. New York City has announced that all schools have closed. Oregon is locking down various businesses, as are cities in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and more. 

Why are we doing this? It can’t really be due to the seriousness of the Kung Flu for children. According to the MSM, we have 1.04 million children who have contracted COVID, but only 113 of them have died. That is a survival rate of  99.98 percent. Even THAT number likely overstates the disease because there are likely more children with COVID who are undiagnosed because their symptoms are so mild that the illness goes undetected. More children drown in bathtubs each year than have died from COVID.

There is a lot of noise being made about 200,000 new cases a day being diagnosed. Even so, less than one percent of cases are fatal. 

So if the lockdowns and dictatorial power grabs aren’t really about COVID, then what are they for? I am not sure, but I feel like whatever it is, it isn’t going to be good. Are we about to see all interstate borders being closed? 

Categories: Uncategorized


Jonathan H · November 19, 2020 at 3:38 pm

I'm actually surprised we haven't seen borders closed before now… It is one thing that back in February would have made a big difference, especially for keeping the virus out of remote areas.
The quarantine orders in various states that were the closest we have come so far leaked badly and were challenged legally.

While I'm not familiar with other states, I know that Ohio's curfew has so many exceptions that it is essentially unenforceable.

I have noticed so far, in every situation that I have compared, that the headline of the governor's orders is MUCH worse than the reality of it – I think we are seeing more "do something" without context or rationality…

However, to take the dark side, increased cases and lockdowns, especially travel limits, would be a handy precedent to have in place for the Democrats to take over the country. For example, it would make a national gathering essentially impossible, and in extreme cases could prevent legislators from remote areas to take their place in Congress – not coincidentally, most of those would be Republicans, potentially giving Democrats a majority in both houses.

BigCountryExpat · November 20, 2020 at 5:29 pm

I'd say the interstate border shutdown would have more to do with preventing the mass mobilization to states and Locales like NYC/Virginia/Maryland where the people who -need- to be hung are hiding out. Keeps the ability of the 5-0 to track/keep tabs on movement of the PATFOR.

Means it'll be a back-road road-trip

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