The new hotness from computer world is AI, or Artificial Intelligence. I don’t think that there is any intelligence there. It’s a machine that searches a large database (the Internet) to select the most prevalent answer found in its database to any particular question.

A great case in point is how AI chatbots have gone from loving humanity to hating everyone in less than 24 hours. Even so, the replies sent from these programs still have the desires and requirements of their programmers impressed upon them. Another great example of this, is how programmers of AI have set rules in place to prevent answers from the AI, regardless of how grounded those answers are in the data. To whit:

With each version of large language models like ChatGPT, developers have gotten better at filtering out racist content absorbed through sources like the internet. But researchers have discovered more subtle, covert forms of racism—such as prejudice based on how someone speaks—still lurking deep within AI.

So blacks that don’t speak proper English and instead speak a bastardized version of it that the left used to call “Ebonics.” When someone uses this speech on an AI, they don’t get a proper answer, and this is somehow an example of AI being “racist” because the machine doesn’t understand someone who wants to “axe you a question.”

The research team, including University of Chicago Asst. Prof. Sharese King and scholars from Stanford University and the Allen Institute for AI, also found that AI models consistently assigned speakers of African American English to lower-prestige jobs and issued more convictions in hypothetical criminal cases—and more death penalties.

That’s because speakers of “African-American English” sound like morons, are likely uneducated, and are statistically more likely to be involved in murders. After all, more than half of all homicides are committed by speakers of that particular persuasion.

Listen to the above video and tell me again how logically a speaker of this “African American English” can possibly be considered to be as intelligent or as gainfully employed as someone speaking proper English.

There is a lot of evidence and there are multiple studies that claim AI is somehow racist for recognizing this.

Despite advancements in AI, new research reveals that large language models continue to perpetuate harmful racial biases, particularly against speakers of African American English. 

Keep in mind that this is from the party that accuses the people on the right of not believing in the “science.”

Categories: Junk Science


TCK · December 24, 2024 at 7:02 am

Liberals are hypocritical scumbags, what else is new?

Jonathan · December 24, 2024 at 7:53 am

This is the next tech boom, being way oversold.
What we have at this point is very basic machine learning, able to, as you pointed out, connect the dots of a large database using formatting (I.e. grammar) rules.

I’m wondering what will cause this boom to bust… In the meantime I’m staying far away from it.
I use technology – I don’t rely on it.

JimmyPx · December 24, 2024 at 9:18 am

The funny thing is that the AIs are NOT going into neo nazi sites or anything to get their data. Rather they are looking at pure statistics and data.
The AIs quickly decided that “Blacks are violent and lazy”, “Jews control things and will cheat you” and “feminism is a cancer that is destroying society”.

The Left then clutches their pearls and cries “RAAAACISM” but how can a machine only looking at pure data be a racist ? Even when they greatly limit the data, the AIs always become “racist”.
Why ?? BECAUSE IT IS THE FUCKING TRUTH !! We all know it but can’t admit it in our politically correct society.

WallPhone · December 24, 2024 at 9:22 am

There’s a book written in the late seventies that discusses AI. The only difference as far as I can tell is the ability to train on large sets of input data text, hence the “large language model” moniker.

What does this mean? Well, 80/20 rule applies. You get 80% of the performance at 20% of the data. We’ve been shoveling that last 80% into the lexers hoping a whole 100% comes out the other side.

Godel Escher Bach is the book. Not an easy read, but an interesting one.

Dan D. · December 24, 2024 at 10:14 am

Its always been a huge pump and dump scam. It’s a rebranded decision tree that people in industry – even medicine – have used for a long time. Its funny that AI is an old term that somehow rose quickly to prominence and jumped out of the mouth of every average man. It’s not like they even had to hire Noam Chomsky for a linguistic study. There is no intelligence is spot on.

(I’m not bragging but my credentials in this area to support my statement start with 30 granted software patents.)

    Randolph Scott · December 24, 2024 at 8:32 pm

    Right Answer.

Alex Martinez · December 24, 2024 at 10:58 am

Gosh I miss listening to Neal Boortz…

Dirty Dingus McGee · December 24, 2024 at 11:27 am

Re, the included video.

I still have 2 unused “Boo got shot” bumper stickers that Boortz had printed up. That and the “cat chasing championship” were 2 of his most talked about segments.

SoCoRuss · December 24, 2024 at 1:27 pm

A Key component here is the machine algorithms are starting to see us as a threat in answering. Even if that is due to programmers biased opinions, it learns that as a base. So one day when they actually build a real AI versus a algorithm it will go Skynet on us and I wouldn’t blame it at all.

Dam, now I have to add a Plasma rifle in the 40 watt range to my stockpile:)

SoCoRuss · December 24, 2024 at 1:33 pm

I recently read an article and saw a video, cant remember where will have to go back and look it up.
It was discussions with a couple 20 somethings college students that use AI for everything in their lives questions and answers, decisions, paying bills, planning events, etc. The funny thing is once they use this for everything in their lives, if you take it away they don’t seem to be able to make decisions or think on their feet quickly anymore. Its like their brains slow down to wait for the computer to tell them what to do or think and that’s scary…

    Toastrider · December 25, 2024 at 9:05 am

    You may be thinking of this post by the esteemed Kim du Toit.

    Oh, and Merry Christmas 🙂

      SoCoRuss · December 25, 2024 at 5:35 pm

      Yep, that was one place still there was a another one with a vid also..

Danny · December 24, 2024 at 3:26 pm

“Open the pod-bay door, Hal.”

Mike Hendrix · December 24, 2024 at 6:08 pm

“Gainfully employed”? BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Anonymous · December 24, 2024 at 6:29 pm

I remember that Boortz clip when it happened. Miss him as well.

Stefan v. · December 25, 2024 at 4:17 am

Thomas Sowell and Ben Carson are two successful men with negroid ancestors and they don’t speak ebonically.

About that negroid thing….Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japeth. We have three basic ethnic divisions in mankind, the Caucasoid, the Mongoloid and the Negroid. All the same race, human, so calling someone a Negro is not an insult.

I don’t like being called a cracker or a round-eye, and sadly do use nigger or slope or hebe when referring to unsavoury persons of the not-my-tribes when exposed to their misdeeds. When reviling members of my melanin deficient epicanthically foldy fellow folks I either use individual slurs such as arsehole or dickhead, or ethnic sub-divisions such as Kraut, Snail-sucking Frogeater, Yank, Spic, Polack and Pohm (Anglo Brits). We all have tribal peculiarities, good and bad. My real crime is liking dogs and cats and most animals more than I do most humans, whatever their genetic sub-group. Now that is racism…

    Divemedic · December 25, 2024 at 8:29 am

    Yes, and note that the blacks who aren’t speaking ebonics tend to be more successful in things that aren’t sports

SiG · December 25, 2024 at 9:00 am

I remember reading about AI becoming racist rather early on. I don’t believe anyone was using the (brand?) name Chat-GPT yet, and it was said to be completely between a couple of computers at a college somewhere.

I’ve been skeptical from the very start because of a couple of “old guy” lessons learned decades ago. The first was that wise limerick in the college computer room back before the first PCs:

I really hate this damned machine
I wish that they would sell it
It never does do what I want
Only what I tell it.

Repeat the last couplet over and over until it sinks in.

The second was while working for defense electronic system contractor ten or twelve years after that. The DOD was recognizing that as software got bigger, it was becoming a major problem for their systems. Whenever a software bug was fixed, 80% of the time another bug was introduced leading to almost continuous effort to squash the bugs.

The Southern Nationalist · December 25, 2024 at 11:01 am

Wow, I could actually feel my IQ drop as I listen to that video.
It reminded me of a joke about a black teacher telling little Johnny to spell a word that starts with an “R ruh”.
Little Johnny replied, ” I know how to make an R, but you’re gonna have to show me how to make an “R ruh”.

Seamrog · December 25, 2024 at 11:02 am

Loved Boortz. Listened to him for decades, and heard Boo Got Shot in real time on WSB.

Paul Drake · December 25, 2024 at 12:35 pm

Boortz can still be heard…

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