Frederick Douglass once said: “The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” This is a universal truth. We get as much tyranny as we are willing to endure without taking action. That’s what caused me to write the post about workplace violence from today.
It’s also caused me to write my opinion on the Taqueria shooting in this post. We all know the story. A man is sitting in a restaurant enjoying dinner when an armed robber comes in. The armed robber takes everyone’s money, and our hero pulls his weapon and smokes his ass. Now the law is talking about prosecuting the hero.
There has been a lot of debate as to whether or not the man should have taken as many shots as he did. I will grant you that the law says shooting someone who is down and out of the fight is illegal. That’s where I have a problem. See, the dirtbag who was killed had already murdered one person while committing a similar robbery in 2015. He shot and killed a man and saw his charges pled down to aggravated robbery, for which he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. He served only about a third of that reduced sentence. For killing someone, he served about 5 years in prison. Keep in mind that there are people who committed the crime of trespassing in the US Capitol during the J6 protests that are still in prison awaiting trial two years later.
We as a people should decide that we have had enough. The law is not there to protect law abiding people from criminals. There are many more law abiding citizens than there are criminals. No, police are there to protect accused criminals so that they are ensured of getting a fair trial.
That system is broken. Now the criminals are getting more lenient punishment than are the law abiding.
I will never get put on a jury because I am a gun owning, employed white male. However, if I ever was, no one who takes out the trash like this would EVER be found guilty. I wouldn’t care if he had tied his hands behind his back and put a bullet behind his ear. As far as I am concerned, that would have been a public service.
Perhaps his lawyer can make the case that the critter, having been shot 8 times was already dead, and therefore his client’s only violation of the law was abuse of a corpse, then plea it down to something else like vandalism.
Matthew · January 11, 2023 at 3:03 pm
I understand why the hero in the restaurant went up to the POS and put one more in him to make sure he was properly dispatched.
Years ago, I stopped a crime, doesn’t matter what it was, and put a pretty serious hurt on the perp. Called the cops. Before the authorities arrived the POS regained consciousness and came after me so I put his ass down again, even harder this time. There were some significant medical (and dental) bills resulting. Cops finally arrived and called the meat wagon for the punk. Statements were taken from myself and the witnesses that decided to hang around. During the process the cops and the EMT folk got together and pretty much decided that I had been a little excessive (I was) so the next thing I know I’m cuffed in the back of a cruiser! By the time I got to talk to a detective a couple hours later I was none too pleased, and the interview didn’t go well. I basically told that guy that I knew full well that I was causing serious injury and would do it again. Ended up having to testify at the prick’s trial along with some of the witnesses and at the end of all that abuse the judge ended up just putting the turd on probation. After that he showed up at my house, threatened me, told me he was going to kill me and my wife and kids for what I did to him. I had to call the cops on him again then get a restraining order. After that he showed up at my office and threatened everyone there! Luckily for me the punk had other enemies far more serious than I and we’ll leave it at that but in the meantime, I decided that the heartache and risk to my family etc. was such that if I was ever in that position again, I would just kill the bastard by any means available.
BobF · January 11, 2023 at 4:05 pm
Won’t be on a jury? Heh. Don’t count on it. Moved to Osceola County in 2000. Called for petit jury, selected. Later called for pool and found myself in a group headed for the old courthouse — we were to serve 6 months on a grand jury. UGH!!! In both cases I made it clear I was retired military, part of which was as a first sergeant, and that of a police squadron. Your mileage may vary, of course. I’ve aged out of the pool now, so no worries.
nones · January 11, 2023 at 5:47 pm
It looked to me that the diner had shot the perp as he was leaving the store, the event was over. In the heat of the moment he pumps a couple more well deserved rounds into this asshole. All on camera. If I ever meet the shooter I will shake his hand and buy him a drink but in the eyes of the law we are the enemy, not the perps. Bad, bad times ahead. Heads on pikes in front of the court house is probably the only solution. Will that happen? Probably not.
Divemedic · January 11, 2023 at 6:02 pm
Leaving or not, he was still pointing a firearm at another human during the course of an armed robbery.
Danny · January 11, 2023 at 6:11 pm
Frederick Douglass once said: “The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” This is a universal truth. We get as much tyranny as we are willing to endure without taking action.
That’s a powerful statement and I had not known about it. And that is the crux of the situation in which we find ourselves now. There is bound to be a tipping point and we are all waiting for it. It’s gonna suck.
Crawfish · January 11, 2023 at 6:17 pm
We take down statues of Teddy Roosevelt and put in their place busts of criminals like druggie loser George Floyd. Smart kids no longer get rewarded because of this equity bullshit, doctors tell you the Vax is safe and effective. People testify in congress that men can get pregnant, (nevermind that they are having hearings about that horseshit, to begin with.) Cities burned by the “right” color is ok. Rigged, stolen elections protested by patriots, you don’t get trial dates. You are right…this guy is a hero. But, sadly, he is a hero in an America that exists in name only anymore. Much like the RINOs in DC.
joe · January 11, 2023 at 6:39 pm
until i saw the video, i thought the guy was justified…even in tx…but after i was able to see the whole video i knew he was fucked…houston is a libtard shithole with a soros da…if he’s really lucky he will get out of this but i wouldn’t count on it…sucks because perp was a pos and the next time he did this he might have killed someone…
Steve · January 11, 2023 at 7:22 pm
“Perhaps his lawyer can make the case that the critter, having been shot 8 times was already dead, and therefore his client’s only violation of the law was abuse of a corpse, then plea it down to something else like vandalism.”
Hell, I’d give him a pass if he’d put the POS’ head on a pike out front. Or on the hood of his pickup.
“God bless you, and thank you for your service.”
Papa · January 12, 2023 at 12:59 am
A wonderful mental image!
grumpy · January 11, 2023 at 8:42 pm
I don’t really care WHAT the law says…..from everything I saw on the video, I’d find the shooter NOT GUILTY. It’s called jury nullification. For ALL those saying, “he went too far”, I’ll bet you’re also the ones who’ll claim “I was just following orders” or “I was just following the law.”
For those who recognized evil when they saw it, congratulations. For those who are part of that evil, be gone with ya!!
Papa · January 12, 2023 at 1:01 am
If charges are pressed, the blue wearing LEO folk will blindly arrest him.
Got their job to do and keep.
Follow orders.
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