Looking Back

As we enter the last day of 2024, take a moment and reflect on this:

The last day of the Carter administration was 44 years ago, ending in 1981. In 1981, we were closer to the attack on Pearl Harbor than we are to the end of the Carter administration today.

Invading New York

Everyone has seen the video of the murdered woman on the New York subway who was killed when she was set on fire, so I won’t post a link to it here. It turns out that the asshole who is accused of committing the murder was deported in 2018, but immediately snuck back in just in time to commit at least one murder.

ICE issued an order to have him detained to Federal custody, but NY has refused the request, citing “sanctuary city” laws. If the state and city of New York can claim that Federal law doesn’t apply in their city, then DJT needs to issue a couple of executive orders on his first day.

  • All access to Federal law enforcement databases like NCIC will be suspended for the entire state of New York until such time as they participate with Federal Law Enforcement efforts
  • Any New York official who refuses to comply with Federal Law Enforcement gets arrested for obstruction. That includes the Governor, the mayo of NYC, state judges, and anyone else who says no to ICE detainers. If you or I refused to comply with a NY court order, we would go to jail, and we all know that “no one is above the law.”
  • All Federal funding or grants to NY are hereby suspended until NY pays by US law.

We all know that people in New York will then reply by claiming that they are not going to forward income tax payments, or some other nonsense. At that point, the President would then be permitted to declare that New York’s actions are making it impossible to enforce the law. The law here is 10 USC 252:

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

You’re reading this correctly- the President could then order Federal troops (or the NY National Guard, under Federal orders) to suppress the rebellion and enforce Federal immigration laws.

Just after this is complete, Trump should then tell any other “sanctuary cities” that they are next, unless they comply with the law.

As much as I feel that the Federal government is outside of its constitutional authority, enforcing immigration laws and defending the border is well within Federal purview.


The FBI knew in 2021 that the COVID virus was bioengineered and didn’t tell President Biden. Of course they knew- I posted back in 2022 that the Federal government knew the virus was engineered using a segment of genetic material that was patented by Moderna back in 2016. The artificial genetic sequence is what gives this virus the particular affinity for human lung tissue that it has. The evidence is obvious- the virus is a bioweapon that was either accidentally or intentionally released into the wild. There can be no other explanation.

Since we also know that Fauci and our own government was funding this research, we can also conclude that our own government killed millions of people. Whether this was caused intentionally, or through large scale incompetence remains unclear, but in either case, it is painfully obvious that our government handles power in much the same way as a couple of four year old children who are playing in their father’s gun cabinet.

Taking a Punch

I had an incident happen at work. One of my patients wanted pain medicine, but for various reasons, we weren’t going to give him any. As the doctor was explaining her reasoning to him, he called her a “stupid cunt,” so she (foolishly, I believe) turned her back on him to leave the room. That’s when he pounced, attempting to punch her in the back of the head. I should add she is very obviously pregnant.

So I did what I believe any man would do- I stepped between them and grabbed his right arm, which was the one he was using to deliver the blow. He brought his left around and punched me in the mouth. That was when I forcibly slammed him to the floor. My charge nurse ran in at that point, and he helped me subdue the guy. He started crying about how we were hurting him. It was just a few seconds later that three more male nurses, a couple of paramedics, and no fewer than four security guards came in and took over subduing him.

I asked the doctor if she was OK, and the look she gave me was an unusually warm one. Since then, the story has spread like wildfire- and the female nurses and doctors seem to view me as some sort of savior. I don’t think that I did anything unusual- after all, how can one claim to be a man if you stand by and watch someone attack a pregnant woman from behind?

Which brings me to the reason that I am sharing this story. Feminist women may claim that they don’t want or need men to save them, but when someone does step in to protect them, all of that nonsense disappears.

To tie up this story, the asshat was arrested on two felony counts of battery on emergency workers. As the “victim” in this case, I received a call from the local gendarmes when he made bail. The state has declined to press any charges against him because he has mental health problems and they don’t feel that it is a good use of “the state’s limited resources” to try to get a conviction that likely won’t stick due to his mental problems.

This isn’t the first time I have seen this. I always file a report and press charges anyhow, even knowing that these critters are never prosecuted for the criminal acts they carry out as a result of their poor decision making and self control. I do that so if one of the idiots ever shows up at my house, I can show why I felt a need to smoke his ass.

What if the entire Barrel is Bad Apples?

Check this arrest of February 2023 out:

The guy was arrested for making an obscene hand gesture and 2 counts of obstruction for refusing to provide ID as a result of the unlawful stop. It’s a violation of the man’s Constitutional rights to initiate a traffic stop because you don’t like his hand gestures. The fact that the cop even admits this as a reason for the stop makes this case a slam dunk, IMO. The officer even put this in writing in his arrest report, claiming that giving the middle finger isn’t allowed, as it is a hand gesture that is not being used to signal a turn. You can read the arrest report here.

He was held in jail for four days on a cash only bail. The charge for hand gestures was dropped, and one of the obstruction charges was dropped. I expect the second one will go away as well, since the entire pretext for the stop is unconstitutional and a violation of Mr. Lambert’s rights. There is a lawsuit pending.

This is the same police department that paid a $3.5 million settlement when they stopped a pedestrian for not walking on the sidewalk. They shot the man 22 times, and even though he had been armed with a knife, it was after he was incapacitated, not moving, and was lying on top of the knife, thus he was no longer a threat to the officers.

Of course, the cops tried to hide behind qualified immunity. Sorry, but that legal concept has to go. Force cops to buy malpractice insurance. It’s one area where I disagree with Trump. Cops don’t deserve more immunity, because this will only get worse.

There are some who are trying to make this about race, but I don’t think that police abuse of power is about anything other than power corrupting those who wield it. It’s time that cops lost a bit of that plenipotentiary power.


It’s Christmas Day, and it’s time for family. Consider watching some of my favorite Christmas movies with your family:


  • Miracle on 34th Street (the black and white version with Natalie Wood, not the remake, and not the one that Ted Turner colorized) This is the one that my Dad watched with us every year. As a teen, I was sick of watching this one, but as an adult I really appreciate the memories that come with it.
  • It’s a Wonderful Life: My parents didn’t like this one, but I have grown to appreciate the wholesome message here. I try to watch this one every year.


  • Die Hard: My sister doesn’t think this is a Christmas movie, but her husband agrees with me on this one.


  • Four Christmases: This one has become a favorite in the past couple of years. I love the scene where Vince Vaughn visits his mother. I always laugh.

When Evidence Interferes With the Narrative

The new hotness from computer world is AI, or Artificial Intelligence. I don’t think that there is any intelligence there. It’s a machine that searches a large database (the Internet) to select the most prevalent answer found in its database to any particular question.

A great case in point is how AI chatbots have gone from loving humanity to hating everyone in less than 24 hours. Even so, the replies sent from these programs still have the desires and requirements of their programmers impressed upon them. Another great example of this, is how programmers of AI have set rules in place to prevent answers from the AI, regardless of how grounded those answers are in the data. To whit:

With each version of large language models like ChatGPT, developers have gotten better at filtering out racist content absorbed through sources like the internet. But researchers have discovered more subtle, covert forms of racism—such as prejudice based on how someone speaks—still lurking deep within AI.

So blacks that don’t speak proper English and instead speak a bastardized version of it that the left used to call “Ebonics.” When someone uses this speech on an AI, they don’t get a proper answer, and this is somehow an example of AI being “racist” because the machine doesn’t understand someone who wants to “axe you a question.”

The research team, including University of Chicago Asst. Prof. Sharese King and scholars from Stanford University and the Allen Institute for AI, also found that AI models consistently assigned speakers of African American English to lower-prestige jobs and issued more convictions in hypothetical criminal cases—and more death penalties.

That’s because speakers of “African-American English” sound like morons, are likely uneducated, and are statistically more likely to be involved in murders. After all, more than half of all homicides are committed by speakers of that particular persuasion.

Listen to the above video and tell me again how logically a speaker of this “African American English” can possibly be considered to be as intelligent or as gainfully employed as someone speaking proper English.

There is a lot of evidence and there are multiple studies that claim AI is somehow racist for recognizing this.

Despite advancements in AI, new research reveals that large language models continue to perpetuate harmful racial biases, particularly against speakers of African American English. 

Keep in mind that this is from the party that accuses the people on the right of not believing in the “science.”

Firgures Don’t Lie, but …

You know the rest. A great illustration of what that saying means is this article where the writer tells us the “living wage” for a family of four in Florida. Let’s read their definition of a “living wage.”

“Living wage” is defined as the income required to cover 50% necessities, 30% discretionary spending and 20% for savings. 

They then take the $23,637 cost of housing, $10,069 for food, and $7,350 for healthcare, which adds up to $40,056 for necessities. These necessities should be half of your income, so this extrapolates to a living wage of $80,112 per year, which they then somehow round up to more than $112,000.

Note that a “living wage” is what is being used to demand a minimum wage based upon 50% of the expenses of an average family of four. They begin with the expected cost of housing for a Florida family of four: $23,637. Let’s call that $2k a month. According to rent.com, that is the average cost of a two bedroom apartment. Not the minimum, the average, and that is the average across the entire state. If you move to a more affordable area, the rent will be less.

So the left takes the average cost of rent across the entire state, adds in a 40% fudge factor, then states that this is the minimum required to live. Liars figure.

Expect liars to push for yet another increase in Florida’s $15 an hour minimum wage.