The President of the Chicago Teachers Union and the union strongly oppose school choice, including both charter and private schools. The President, Davis Gates, said school choice initiatives siphon money from public schools and are partly to blame for the lack of resources available to neighborhood schools.

That’s all well and good, except national and local pro-school choice groups found out that the President of the union sends her freshman son to a Catholic school on the South Side. She is pissed off because people revealed her decision to send her son to a private high school while publishing his picture and name.

“We live in a time with extremist political rhetoric, and it has led to violence,” she said. “My children, my family should not have to endure this. And doxing a child is violent, and it’s unacceptable, and it needs to be rejected and decried by every institutional leader. It’s just not okay.”

CTU President Davis Gates, believing that her own hypocrisy shouldn’t be pointed out in the press

When her oldest child reached 7th grade, she and her husband looked at their neighborhood school. They were upset that the local public school didn’t have a school newspaper, classes on web design, or a student council. According to her, the public school didn’t have the resources or sports opportunities that the private school had.

“You have to wonder: If the teachers union leader who wants to kill school choice has made the private school choice for her own child, how convincing are her arguments against school choice for low-income children with few options for breaking the cycle of generational poverty?”

 Illinois Policy Institute

I wonder how the teachers that she is representing feel about the leader of their union stabbing them in the back like that.

Categories: Education


Birdog357 · September 9, 2023 at 5:15 pm

My local high school’s principal, who lives in the district mind you, sent her daughter to another school district nearby, one that required her to drive past the school she worked at to get to…

EJ · September 9, 2023 at 6:13 pm

Oh the hypocrisy… Rules For Thee but Not for Me!

PS Thanks for enabling full-text feeds!

Ice Ice Trotsky · September 9, 2023 at 7:42 pm

Comrade Commissar Brandon Gauleiter of the CPUSA is working on the worker’s utopia in Chicago.
He came from that teachers union circle and esteemed party member comrade Billy Ayers made it all the way to professor at the Uni of Chicago.
All the better to burn it all down with the Weather Underground gov.

joe · September 9, 2023 at 9:35 pm

how many people have the left doxxed in the last 10 years causing them to lose jobs, been assaulted, homes broken in to, cars damaged…so now doxxing is violent…they don’t like being on the other end…

Anonymous · September 10, 2023 at 1:58 pm

Dear Outraged Chicago Voter:

Tell me how you voted, and I’ll tell you whether I have any sympathy at all n

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