When I did my end of the year post last year, I didn’t think that 2021 would be a good year at all. As it turns out, the year didn’t go as badly as I had feared. The country could be doing worse, and personally, I am in pretty good shape.

I worked a lot of hours this year. My average workweek at the hospital was right at 50 hours a week. I know that some changes are coming, because I can’t keep up this schedule, and I am also convinced that my boss couldn’t lead a platoon of Marines into a whorehouse.

In the meantime, I will continue preparing for the bad times that I think are coming. For today, I will just enjoy the last day of 2021 as I wonder what 2022 will bring.

Categories: Me


joe · December 31, 2021 at 6:31 am

if it makes you feel any better, not sure my boss could get his junk out of his pants once he made it in the whorehouse… happy new year DM and the rest of you peeps

Big Ruckus D · December 31, 2021 at 12:49 pm

2022 is the year one wakes up in a whore house, wallet missing, only to discover all the whores are trannies, and so are the Marines. New heights of fake and gay will most assuredly be achieved. Just remember, no matter how bad a year sucks, it can always get worse.

Yeah, I know. I’m quite the optimist.

Skyler the Weird · December 31, 2021 at 1:44 pm

I too am pleasantly surprised when I get a paycheck every two weeks as woke and lame as my management is. We did go broke from being woke in 08 but got bought out and New management got infected by the old teams wokeness and commitment to short term profits.

freedom isn't free · December 31, 2021 at 8:52 pm

End of the line for the smoke and mirrors of muh democracy.
The wizards of smart dumbed down and destroyed everything and now collapse is imminent but that is the burn it all down part of the Long March.

Jonathan · December 31, 2021 at 9:29 pm

I agree.
On a national level, our country plumbed new depths of stupidity.
On a personal level, the year was better than I expected it to be.
I am concerned to see how the next 18 months will go; I applaud the large parts of our country that have (mostly) returned to sanity. I am curious to see how, or if, the rest of the country returns to sanity and what of our once great country is left standing then.

EN2 SS · December 31, 2021 at 9:57 pm

If your boss, nor the platoon of Jarheads can’t find the whorehouse, ask a submariner, he’ll show them the way. ;-))

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