Some of the cops who are acting as SROs in Orange county schools are demanding raises. This will result in $18 million in costs to the county for police coverage in schools located in 5 different Orange county cities. The school district says that they can’t afford it, so they are going to transition to using Guardians.
Don’t get excited. That doesn’t mean that teachers and other staff who want to carry concealed weapons will be permitted to do so. No, I have already posted on how the Guardian program is being misused because school administrators are leftists who only want guns in the hands of their friends.
Mom’s Demand Action is demanding that the schools simply find the money somehow.
It’s a little scary that our children’s safety can be negotiated, especially based on dollars
Yep, that’s the left- there is no tax to high, no gun control too onerous, no Constitutional right that is off limits, nor government spending that is too much when it comes to doing what they want done.
Keep in mind that cops who are charged with defending students have claimed in court that they don’t have to do anything, and the court has agreed.
Orange county was not previously a participant in the Guardian program. They would rather squander tens of millions of dollars each year in paying cops to arrest and hassle kids, but then hide in the parking lot when God forbid there IS an actual shooter.
When the Guardian program was first announced, I bought a new handgun just for what I thought it was going to be- armed teachers. I practiced with that firearm until I could exceed the minimum standards on the course of fire for Federal Air Marshals. Then the program was actually put in place, and what do you know- only cops and people who were politically connected were allowed to be part of it. May issue ALWAYS becomes a grift for leftists to steal more money from the public trough. It isn’t that the left is antigun, they are just only in favor of guns for other leftists.