That guy who attacked me and a pregnant doctor last month? Less than 48 hours after making bail, he got in a loud argument with his girlfriend. A neighbor called the cops, and she asked them to help her leave because she was afraid of him. While the cops were there, the neighbors told them that he was ranting about the hospital and how he had a score to settle with one of the nurses there. (Any guesses as to who he is referring to?)
An hour later, the cops were called back to the location because he went after the neighbor for calling the cops. He was arrested again for disturbing the peace and assault. The state is actually still moving forward with the charges.
As to the threats, I am armed all of the time. I also train in Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I am about 80 pounds heavier than he is, I am armed, and I train. A condition of his bail is that he can’t come within 500 feet of me. If he wants to come after me, he is going to have a very bad day before he winds up going back to jail, the hospital, or the coroner’s office.
On a side note- why do these assholes always attack me during the Christmas holidays? Back in 2022, I was suspended for an investigation when some idiot attacked me at work.
Gator McClusky · January 14, 2025 at 12:10 pm
And here I thought it was about CPUSA (D) RAT turd Brandon.
Let the small men big mouths talk, they are always AWOL.
JP_IN_MI · January 14, 2025 at 2:13 pm
Are you allowed to carry inside a hospital? Not legal here in People’s Republic of Michigan.
Henry · January 15, 2025 at 10:31 am
Also not legal here in NC.
WallPhone · January 15, 2025 at 1:47 pm
I recall DM might have posted about non-permissive environment carry in the past.
Anyone planning on taking advantage of a gun-free zone must remember that Elisjsha Dicken was technically prohibited on that property, and people intent on defending themselves are still intent on defending themselves, they just might not be as well equipped.
Birdog357 · January 15, 2025 at 9:04 pm
Dicken was not prohibited. GFZ signs mean dick in Indiana. I can and do carry concealed at county government meetings. Perfectly legally I might add. I have the laws printed and carry them with me.
Stefan v. · January 14, 2025 at 2:49 pm
Once upon a time such a loose cannon would have long since learned the consequences of stupid evil behaviour the hard way. In that time one could have used said miscreant as a chew toy, punching bag and volunteer for that new therapeutic method one was wondering about…whether hourly boiling vinegar enemas deter crime. Nowadays… vigilant, document everything, be genuininely defensive and hope the idiot self destructs somewhere else because if he insists on choosing you as agent of his exitus the lawyers and just-us system will grind you to powder. Please secure domicile, vehicles and family, and beware any secondary dimbulb flying monkey buttswabs he may waft in your general direction. Be nice if the coppers would take him out the back and take the truncheons to the phonebooks….
Tree Mike · January 14, 2025 at 6:20 pm
Napoleon syndrome is a bitch. So is the bearer of same.
Lori G · January 15, 2025 at 4:28 am
Terrible! The moral quality of our people has become lessened as of late. It is like you are working in a psychiatric hospital, only all the nuts are running loose in society. I bet that doctor really appreciates what you did for her. It seems chivalry is not dead, although it has severe consequences. One wonders how many crazies are out there just like him?
Qwerty · January 15, 2025 at 10:21 am
Geeze DM, you certainly attract a lot of attention. Hopefully it’s all hot air coming out Shitavious’ mouth.
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