I had an incident happen at work. One of my patients wanted pain medicine, but for various reasons, we weren’t going to give him any. As the doctor was explaining her reasoning to him, he called her a “stupid cunt,” so she (foolishly, I believe) turned her back on him to leave the room. That’s when he pounced, attempting to punch her in the back of the head. I should add she is very obviously pregnant.

So I did what I believe any man would do- I stepped between them and grabbed his right arm, which was the one he was using to deliver the blow. He brought his left around and punched me in the mouth. That was when I forcibly slammed him to the floor. My charge nurse ran in at that point, and he helped me subdue the guy. He started crying about how we were hurting him. It was just a few seconds later that three more male nurses, a couple of paramedics, and no fewer than four security guards came in and took over subduing him.

I asked the doctor if she was OK, and the look she gave me was an unusually warm one. Since then, the story has spread like wildfire- and the female nurses and doctors seem to view me as some sort of savior. I don’t think that I did anything unusual- after all, how can one claim to be a man if you stand by and watch someone attack a pregnant woman from behind?

Which brings me to the reason that I am sharing this story. Feminist women may claim that they don’t want or need men to save them, but when someone does step in to protect them, all of that nonsense disappears.

To tie up this story, the asshat was arrested on two felony counts of battery on emergency workers. As the “victim” in this case, I received a call from the local gendarmes when he made bail. The state has declined to press any charges against him because he has mental health problems and they don’t feel that it is a good use of “the state’s limited resources” to try to get a conviction that likely won’t stick due to his mental problems.

This isn’t the first time I have seen this. I always file a report and press charges anyhow, even knowing that these critters are never prosecuted for the criminal acts they carry out as a result of their poor decision making and self control. I do that so if one of the idiots ever shows up at my house, I can show why I felt a need to smoke his ass.

Categories: Crime


Gerry · December 29, 2024 at 11:19 am

Well done sir!
So if his mental issues are that bad, why isn’t he being committed?
That would be the safest thing for him as well as the public.

    Steve S6 · December 29, 2024 at 12:06 pm

    Those institutions got closed decades ago and the inmates turned out on the streets. Inhumane they cried, those poor people should be with their families. Ignoring the fact it was the families that had them committed as the family couldn’t handle them.

      Gerry · December 29, 2024 at 7:25 pm

      Steve you can and they due commit violent people here KY for 72 hours and possibly longer after a hearing. Locally the PoPo give them a ride to Hopkinsville or any of the other Kentucky Correctional Psychiatric Center (KCPC)

SoCoRuss · December 29, 2024 at 11:54 am

Good post and I agree, Even though I have rules about stepping into things not concerning family or close friends. I think what you did was right.
The big question I have is this constant bullshit standard DA claim we cant prosecute due to mental problems. And for some reason we cant put him away somewhere safe for others. So with a scumbag that is clearly nuts and dangerous somehow but not taking him off the streets and leaving him on the street to do more bad things since he knows its no risk to him is better? Tell me how he wont escalate any future violence just for fun…

When you have someone do something like this at your hospital, can you trespass him and ban him from entry at least as a threat? Or put out something to other hospitals that says have security on this fucker at ALL times?

I think Canada may have something with their Euthanasia laws even thought they are using it to save medical cost money versus needs of terminal disease When people are so mentally fucked up they are a constant threat and there isn’t much you can do maybe its time to put them down like a rabid dog.

    Divemedic · December 29, 2024 at 3:19 pm

    We had him trespassed, but you can’t actually ban anyone from the emergency room, so it really means nothing

      TCK · December 30, 2024 at 2:31 am

      Can individual doctors/nurses refuse to attend to a specific patient (like say, someone who has previously violently assaulted them)? Or does that right only apply when the melanin enriched decide whitey doesn’t deserve medical care?

        Divemedic · December 30, 2024 at 8:04 am

        No. The law requires that you treat everyone. Now, I can ask the charge nurse to assign a patient to a different nurse, if one is available, but that isn’t guaranteed.

JimmyPx · December 29, 2024 at 11:58 am

I have never understood the “He’s crazy so don’t prosecute” thinking.
Someone who is crazy AND violent is a serious danger to others and SHOULD be locked up.. maybe in a “hospital” for the criminally insane not jail but still locked up.

If his fist had connected with the doctor, he could have really hurt her and her unborn baby.
Also it’s obvious he’s not crazy… ie delusional like a schizophrenic who had no idea what he was doing. No, this was a junky who was in the ER for a fix and the doctor wouldn’t give it to him so he was going to hurt her and didn’t give a shit she’s a woman and pregnant.
Fuck that guy and if I was DA his ass would be prosecuted. Guaranteed this ahole since he got away with it and there were no consequences for his actions WILL do it again !

Also kudos for you for being a REAL man and protecting a woman from a violent ahole.
I don’t care what they say, all women deep down LOVE a strong man and they detest a weak one. Biologically they appreciate a strong man who will protect them.

    Skyler the Weird · December 30, 2024 at 7:32 am

    “He’s crazy don’t prosecute” is how they handled Biden.

Lori G · December 29, 2024 at 12:08 pm

Well done! A chivalrous act.

Joe Blow · December 29, 2024 at 12:27 pm

Whelp, we’ve all seen the press conferences w/ the Sherriff’s in Flow-Rida… I recommend Gold Dots, because if it’s good enough for the Eff Bee Eye, it’s good enough for me! HST’s give a nice flower-shape, too.

C · December 29, 2024 at 12:44 pm

I’m a firm believer that public executions and caning would sort out those people. We have plenty of them here. Often I day dream about owning a wood chipper and a pig farm.

GreenCross4Safety · December 29, 2024 at 1:15 pm

Yes, good on you!

Chutes Magoo · December 29, 2024 at 1:45 pm

Straight to the ventilator for these ungrateful fucks…I josh!

Dan D. · December 29, 2024 at 2:17 pm

Whether you want to claim “savior” or not, you are definitely an archetype and its one reason I visit your blog. Proper men lead by example. Well done!

oldvet50 · December 29, 2024 at 3:08 pm

Good on you! I now wonder how our legal system got to this point. Are you telling us that even though you would press charges against the man, the state will not proceed? Get a real good lawyer and sue the state for failure to perform their sworn duty!

    Dirty Dingus McGee · December 29, 2024 at 5:57 pm

    ” Get a real good lawyer and sue the state for failure to perform their sworn duty!”

    Good luck with that. Being as most all lawyers aspire to be either a judge or a politician, the chance of finding one willing to poke the government in the eye for that is pretty low.

    But in the event you DID find a lawyer that was willing, I suspect you would have more success trying to push butter up a bobcats ass with a hot knife.

Dudley · December 29, 2024 at 3:39 pm

I have been following your blog for quite a while but have not commented in the past.
Kudos to you for doing the right thing πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
I admire the fact that you have the BALLS to say and do the right thing consistently..
You know it’s an old proverb that no one will ever β€œaccuse” you of telling the truth.
Why do we subsidize these wastes of human flesh instead of turning them into compost?
Even that is the most they will ever contribute to the good of mankind..
Keep up the great work and thanks for your service to humanity πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

dragonslayer · December 29, 2024 at 5:08 pm

Cause of injury: Possible inner ear balance problem. Fell down 47 times face first.

thomas · December 29, 2024 at 9:41 pm

Yet punch a cop and what happens , Kill a CEO is terrorism.

Tree Mike · December 30, 2024 at 1:39 am

Quarterbacking in hindsight, safely ensconced in Tennessee, I’d venture that a higher velocity, inertia enhanced, impact with the floor would have been a better learning experience for his learning deficient noggin.
Still, you knocked it out of the park. Doesn’t hurt to have female staff looking at you through hero colored glasses.
Maybe one shouldn’t be a “hero” for doing the right thing, BUT (((THEY))) have beaten it into the collective consciousness, that you will be punished, persecuted and lawfared into extinction. So, thanks for being a proper American male. You are to be admired. Hope there’s no negative repercussions for you.

Jonesy · December 30, 2024 at 8:48 am

Doing the right thing can be a shock to folks sometimes. So maybe not a savior, but earning people’s respect is always a good thing. The female nurses and doctors probably appreciate that one of their coworkers is willing to handle situations like that. It’s comforting.

Aesop · December 30, 2024 at 1:19 pm

To DM: Kudos. BTDTGTTS. That’s what we do.
ALCON: You can’t prosecute crazy people, anywhere. They simply plead insanity, and then use your own clinical diagnosis to beat the rap. No D.A. anywhere will ever prosecute a case he has a 99.9999998% certainty of losing at the arraignment. Welcome to the reality in the ED. It’s the same reason the Post Office blames the carrier if they get bit by a dog: you shouldn’t have taken the chance. Rule One: Crazy people are CRAZY.

Sooner or later, they’re going to bring back criminal involuntary commitment that equals prison terms, or else staff members are going to start hunting crazy people in their off-duty hours for sport, wherever found out on the street.
Mark my words.

And hypothetically, someone is the husband of a pregnant woman who miscarries after an assault from a whacktard?
The guy who did that, and the next 50 like him that husband finds, anywhere, are all going to be, in the delightful word from Chile’s Pinochet era, desaparecidos. In a Jimmy Hoffa kind of way.
They won’t even find DNA evidence.
You could put them on the Endangered Species List, and it still wouldn’t help them.

cf.: Law Abiding Citizen, with a much happier ending.

Fishlaw · January 6, 2025 at 9:25 pm

If I understand your story, I am VERY impressed by your quick action in preventing the pos from cold cocking the MD. That required great situational awareness and fast reflexes. Obviously, you did the right thing. I would be tempted to carry at least a tazer, although the powers that be would not allow it.

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