My son is a nurse practitioner who works in the emergency room. He is what they call a “floater” and he works in different emergency rooms, depending on where he is needed. His house is an hour and a half drive from mine. Whenever he works at the hospital near me, he spends the night at my house rather than having to make the drive after a 10 or 12 hour shift, only to turn around a few hours later and drive back.

Last week, I had a discussion with him and pointed out that I am higher risk due to age and some of my health history. The best, most cost effective way is to avoid catching it. Since he works in the ED, he is constantly exposed to everything that they have. We decided that once his exposure was too great, he would stop staying here.

Today he saw 30 suspected COVID cases, including seven who had already advanced to pneumonia. So that is the last I will see of my son for awhile. We jointly decided that it was too risky for him to stay at my house for the time being.

Categories: Uncategorized


Miguel GFZ · March 21, 2020 at 4:00 am

It is a sad thing but it is the smart thing.

Divemedic · March 21, 2020 at 3:08 pm

Nothing makes me sadder than to think that there is a chance that I have already seen my son for the last time.

zuk · March 21, 2020 at 4:08 pm

That sucks.

I hope we all get through this unscathed, but I already see changes that won't go back to normal.

Prep and pray.


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