In a story that seems to be made of more than meets the eye, the parent of a Marist student was gunned down by a pair of men that police called homeless.

Roy Johnson, 35, was arrested at the hotel and charged with murdering Kutz with a 9mm semi-automatic handgun. He was also charged with second-degree criminal possession of a weapon. A second homeless man was also arrested: Devin Taylor, 26, was also arrested at the scene and charged with second-degree criminal possession of a weapon for allegedly possessing a loaded .223-caliber rifle that had no serial number. The two also had bomb making materials and manuals in their hotel room. The local press has already jumped on the ‘ghost gun’ angle.

The shooting apparently unfolded when the two homeless men began firing shots inside and outside of the hotel, and the victim was struck by random gunfire. Local homeless agencies say that the two men were not put in the hotel by their agencies. Both of them have felony criminal records and have served time in prison.

So much of this stinks to high heaven. How were two homeless men able to afford guns, ammo, and the materials and books to make bombs? It seems convenient that ‘ghost guns’ are involved. There has to be far more to this than meets the eye.

Categories: Crime


KurtP · October 4, 2022 at 8:44 pm

“a loaded .223-caliber rifle that had no serial number.”
So- did it never have a SN, or was it ground off?

Guess we’ll never know.

Nolan Parker · October 5, 2022 at 3:19 am

Yeah, as I was reading that, the questions just started rolling through my brain. Homeless guys,in a hotel, and, apparently, pretty well armed. Aaand they just start shooting. WHY? And WTF are Homeless guys doing with, ohhh, how long till we get the
Known to the cops line? The FBI have been Watching Them ,,,?

Don Curton · October 5, 2022 at 5:39 am

At work, the opening page on their intranet site links to a very very liberal MSNBC style news site. 90% of it is Hollywood celebrity BS and/or Trump bashing. I quickly scan headlines before moving on to more normal bookmarks. In the past week, I’ve noticed a definitely uptick in news stories there of random shootings. Seems like they’re gearing up for another gun ban initiative. Just my personal observation. This here fits right in.

BobF · October 5, 2022 at 9:31 am

Never mind the weapons — they were given or stolen, right? *I* want to know where those “homeless” folk found their great deals on ammo!!

Didn’t see the hotel; do they have room service, I wonder?

Steve · October 5, 2022 at 9:36 am

“Both of them have felony criminal records and have served time in prison.”

Quite the achiever. By age 26, he’s already got multiple felonies and done time in prison. His parents must be so proud.

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