Kudos to the 14 year old girl that had the presence of mind to collect her 4 year old sister, her dog, and then escaped the house when a man broke in to their home while holding a stolen shotgun. There are some lessons to be learned here:

  • The man got the shotgun after earlier breaking into a different house, hitting the woman who lives there, and taking it from her. If you don’t have the guts to USE a firearm when it is clearly indicated, you shouldn’t own a firearm.
  • No one in this case pressed charges because they want him to “get the help that he needs.” There is no help that will fix this guy’s problem- dementia. This guy will get out of the hospital in a few days and be free to do this again. Maybe he kills someone next time.

A dude breaks into your house. You have a gun. Shoot him. If you don’t, then both of you have a gun, then eventually, HE has a gun. How would you feel, knowing that the guy hit you, stole your gun, then killed two little girls with it?

Categories: Criminals