Watch this video to see a couple of bicyclists get in an argument with a local. One of them tries a faggy looking, sloppy spinning kick.
That kick was slow enough that if you try it in a real fight, you are going to get your ass kicked.
One of the interesting things about this video is that the cowboy starts to blade off and reach for his right hip. The two bicycle idiots were about a second away from becoming the subject of some future CCW classes.
I am about tired of dealing with stupid bicyclists. Why do they all have to dress like they are in the Tour de France? Why do they have to take over the road? Even when there is a bike lane or bike path, they still block the road like a bunch of assholes.
I don’t know who instigated what, but I am inclined to believe that the guys on the bikes were just being assholes.
C · November 6, 2024 at 7:56 am
I want to start taking a bicycle to work. It’s only five miles away. Unfortunately there are no bike lines anywhere in my county. There are two groups of these Tour de France assholes around here. They’ve burned out all the good will with the locals around here. Literally middle of the road with 3pm traffic and can’t be bothered to go the side to cycle in single file to let all the traffic pass. As much as I’d like the cost savings and exercise I’d rather not risk getting my ass run over.
Bad Dancer · November 6, 2024 at 8:09 am
Good rule of thumb.
Here they’re insufferable and refuse to use the bike lanes they forced a levy on to build because “those are for casual and commuter cyclists”.
When it was announced that the yearly cancer research bike ride would be rerouted onto less used roads many particpants backed out proving it wasn’t about charity but to be seen and applauded.
And across campus you have kids and one old hippie teacher who has a 2×2 wooden bar attached to his bike on a pivot he tilts to keep cars and people out of his little personal bubble who blow through stop signs, red lights, will ride along the curb in stopped traffic to crawl through a red light and blow through cross walks at full speed with people walking through them.
They do all this while decrying cars and claiming some moral superiority for using a bike. Any time you try to nail one down on how they dont obey the rules of the road you’ll get a “but but but I saw a car roll through a stopsign once so its okay” type answer.
TRX · November 6, 2024 at 9:16 am
I bought a bicycle six months ago, for exercise. I ride primarily on the extensive bike paths a couple of towns over; there’s over a hundred miles of shared bike/pedestrian paths there.
The biketards in their stretch pants and plastic hats, hunched forward staring at their own front tire, are a menace. Not just to pedestrians, but to each other and other bicyclists as well. They’ll run people down because they refuse to look where they’re going.
I’m one of the weirdos riding in ordinary street clothes who says “Hi!” to people as we pass. It seemed to put people off at first, but after a few months I wasn’t the only one doing it.