In the words of the famous philosopher Tone Loc,
But when she got undressed, it was a big old mess, Sheena was a man
So I threw him out, I don’t mess around with no Oscar Meyer wiener
You must be sure that your girl is pure for the Funky Cold Medina

Big Ruckus 5 · November 2, 2023 at 7:55 pm
Old Tone was right on the money. My preferred solution would be to exterminate all transfaggots. Problem solved; it saves them from their mental illness, and if they don’t exist, they can’t show up with their sense of entitlement expecting me to be ok with a faggot hookup as a substitute for the real thing. No sale. And man, that sense of entitlement. That they believe can bend reality to their will, and that no disagreement will be given the slightest consideration, is just incredible to behold.
Funny thing is, post covid, I’ve sworn off involvement with women anyway. Full on monk mode for me, fuck the world and it’s expectations of me. Social contract? Naw dawg, come check the file cabinet where I keep all my official documents, and you won’t find anything in there with my signature that says I agreed to any of the bullshit I’m having to live through now in fake and ghey clown world. Try to enforce said “contract” on me and see where it gets you.
Mike Hendrix · November 4, 2023 at 4:47 pm
THEY believe they can bend reality, therefore WE must, too. Sorry, no. I’m no respecter of “preferred pronouns,” either. As the saying goes, reality is that thing that does not change if you stop believing in it.
dc · November 2, 2023 at 9:01 pm
Please note that most gay men don’t want to have relations with trans persons, either. Love whomever you want, but most people don’t want relations with a mentally ill person. Why is the gumbint involved with our personal relationships?
Big Ruckus D · November 2, 2023 at 10:19 pm
Because every one of our relationships is a defacto three way. No matter who we might be fucking, the government is fucking us both.
Jonesy · November 2, 2023 at 10:48 pm
98% of straight men aren’t gay, that’s why. The other 2% must be mentally ill or still in the closet. You can package it however you want, but a trans woman is a dude. What a stupid statistic.
“This has to change”
No it doesn’t.
Straight Outta Linwood · November 2, 2023 at 11:49 pm
Eazy-E and MC Ren have a verse in 2 Hard Muthas about she took her panties down and the b1tch had a dick, I put my gun up its skirt because this is one maggot (f) that I had to hurt.
Tone-Loc had an awesome DJ (M1) who sampled Gary Wright, Van Halen, Kiss, and many more.
Anonymous · November 3, 2023 at 1:54 am
98% of the time my parents were unwilling to buy me a pony, too. That’s how they made me an inwalker.
nones · November 3, 2023 at 5:13 am
I think they had better check their figures. Only 98% of straight men won’t date these assholes? That figure sounds low.
Skyler the Weird · November 3, 2023 at 6:27 am
I thought most of these mentally ill people claimed to be Lesbians? I’d say 99% of Lesbians refuse to date them either.
I’ve noticed a lot of pictures of Trannies in the media are photoshopped to make them look more feminine. This cartoon is drawn to make the sad Tranny indistinguishable from a real girl.
Anonymous · November 3, 2023 at 7:42 am
“98% of straight men are unwilling to date trans women because of hatred.”
No, 98% of men are unwilling to date trans women because they don’t have the correct plumbing to interface with theirs.
Reality is what remains when you stop believing in it.
kevinH · November 3, 2023 at 8:20 am
It’s not hatred, believe me, most of us don’t spend enough time thinking about it to hate them.
It’s just that WE ARE NOT GAY, why is that so hard to understand?
Anonymous · November 3, 2023 at 9:38 am
They just need to pass a law that requires straight men to be sexually attracted to … well, they’ll have to work on the exact wording.
TheLastOfTheAmericans · November 3, 2023 at 10:27 am
It always makes me laugh, thinking back to ten or so years ago. I felt compassion for them, being so mentally ill as to want to lop their junk off. That compassion changed to pity as I heard more and more about them in the media etc. I am now in full blown hatred mode. They are insufferable demanding lunatics with a very dangerous mental illness. The riots of 2020/21 really brought them out of the woodwork and put their insanity on full display. If we brought back mental institutions I am convinced 10% of the population would get locked up including the vast majority of “them.”
Stealth Spaniel · November 3, 2023 at 11:25 am
Was talking to a young guy (27) at work last night. He is looking to get married, have kids, buy a home…….He was telling me what a shitshow the entire feminine brigade is. “They all want a quick FXXK and then they are on to the next guy; I have never seen so many tatts on women-it’s a turnoff; nobody wants to plan and save-they spend every cent on clothing or drugs or more tattoos; big etc.” I advised him that he will not find decent, moral, kind, or clean women in low places. Get a hobby-guns, archery, horseback riding, dogs, whatever and join a group. Somebody somewhere has a daughter, niece, granddaughter, cousin, or friend who is looking for a guy like you. This young man has ZERO tattoos, doesn’t do drugs, rarely drinks, works 40 hours a week. THIS is what CONgress has wrought with their insane laws and society manipulation.
Aesop · November 4, 2023 at 6:53 am
I agree with the poster.
I’m sure with minimal effort, we can get that number to 99.5%.
Thus validating the expression “go F*** yourself!”
McChuck · November 4, 2023 at 10:39 am
“The Nazis burned books!”
Which books?
“Antisemite! Homophobe! Trans-hater!”
Ah, those books. Good for them!
Mike Hendrix · November 4, 2023 at 4:43 pm
As I said in my own post on this, which was inspired by yours, DM: ““HAS to change”? FIGHT “bigotry”? Any time you feel froggy, freakazoids.”
Straight=bigotry · November 11, 2023 at 12:50 pm
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