Constitution and Government Employment, continued

On Saturday, I posted that the government can’t fire an employee without due process. That is, a government entity has to follow certain steps before terminating the employment of their employees. Many of you disagreed, but I will share with you why I feel that this is so important:

There is a teacher I know who was terminated in violation of this law. Gerry Buell had been teaching for Lake County schools for over 22 years. He was selected as the county teacher of the year. Just a few months later, he posted on his private Facebook page that he was opposed to gay marriage.

On his personal Facebook account, outside of school time, Buell posted a reaction to New York’s passage of homosexual ‘marriage’ saying he “almost threw up.” He also referred to homosexual unions as sinful and referred to it as part of a “cesspool” of behaviors. The local media got ahold of it.

Just for the record, this is his exact comment:

I’m watching the news, eating dinner when the story about New York okaying same-sex unions came on and I almost threw up. Then they showed two guys kissing after their announcement. If they want to call it a union, go ahead. But don’t insult a man and woman’s marriage by throwing it in the same cesspool of whatever. God will not be mocked. When did this sin become acceptable?

By the way, if one doesn’t like the most recently posted opinion based on biblical principles and God’s laws, then go ahead and unfriend me. I’ll miss you like I miss my kidney stone from 1994. And I will never accept it because God will never accept it. Romans chapter one.

“It was my own personal comment on my own personal time on my own personal computer in my own personal house, exercising what I believed as a social studies teacher to be my First Amendment rights,” he said.

He was 100% correct, but that didn’t matter to the Lake County school system. Some parents filed a complaint with the school superintendent. Shortly afterwards, he was suspended. Two days after being suspended, he was fired for “violating his professional ethics.”

“We took the allegations seriously,” said Chris Patton, a communication officer with Lake County Schools. “All teachers are bound by a code of special ethics (and) this is a code ethics violation investigation.”

According to the school system, what Buell wrote on his private account was disturbing. They claimed that they were especially concerned that gay students at the school might be frightened or intimidated walking into his classroom. Patton also disputed the notion that Buell’s Facebook account is private.

“He has more than 700 friends,” Patton said. “How private is that – really? Social media can be troubling if you don’t respect it and know that just because you think you are in a private realm – it’s not private.”

So, according to the Lake County, Florida school system, whether or not a government employee has the right to free speech depends on how many people are listening.

Patton said the school system has an obligation to take the comments seriously. He said Buell will not be allowed back in the classroom “until we do all the interviews and do a thorough job of looking at everything – past or previous writings.”

To accomplish that, he said people have been sending the school system screenshots of Buell’s Facebook page.

“Just because you think it’s private, other people are viewing it,” Patton said, noting that the teacher’s Facebook page also contained numerous Bible passages.

Buell hired a lawyer, who sent a notice of intent to file suit for terminating him in violation of his First and Fifth Amendment rights. The school caved in. If government employees were “at will,” that never would have worked.

I want you to ask yourselves- just who in government service needs to have their Constitutional rights protected? In these days of school boards shutting down discussion and declaring that parents are terrorists, do you think that leftist teachers have any fear of being fired? Or do you think it is conservative teachers?

I myself was fired from that same exact school. In October of 2016, we were told to discuss the gay and lesbian lifestyle* and its benefits in the classroom. Click on the link to see the actual handout we were given. I refused. Less than a month later, I was attacked in my classroom by a violent student.

I had worked for that school for exactly one week less than a year, so I was still on “probation.” I could be fired for any reason. I was placed on paid leave. Two months later, the school system told me that, if I resigned, they would not pursue any other actions and would simply tell future employers that I had resigned. The union wanted me to fight. I didn’t think the job was worth fighting for, so I quit.

A month later, the school system tried to have my teaching license revoked by pressing formal charges with the state. Had they been successful, my medical license would also have been revoked. They accused me of attacking the student and even tried insinuating that I was a pervert that was attracted to the teenaged girls in my class.

I wound up spending several thousand dollars on a lawyer, got a hearing, and won my case. Throughout the process, the school hid evidence, manufactured evidence, and played every dirty trick they could. My attorney was livid. After the administrative hearing was over, he wrote a letter to the director of Florida’s DOE, telling them that he had never seen the kind of outrageous behavior from a school system before.

Be careful what you wish for. Remove constitutional protection from government jobs, and the left will be free to eliminate the conservative minority.

* Note that I mentioned this in 2016. This grooming thing has been going on since before Trump was elected. Note also that the CRT stuff has been brewing since at least 2020. I mean to say that both grooming and CRT have been in our schools for at least a decade, perhaps longer.

If it weren’t for the constitutional protections that government employees have, the only voices our children would be hearing are the ones grooming them for the left. It’s important.

You Need a Lesson

Parents are waking up to what is going on in their children’s schools. Teachers are teaching ethnic and gender studies courses, but schools are refusing to release any details to the point where parents are having to sue the school district to find out what is being taught.

Parents are rightfully upset. So how do school boards across the country respond? By calling parents terrorists and telling them that they “need to be taught a lesson” in professionalism. Had I been at that meeting, I would likely have been escorted out by police after I stood up and told her that elected officials need to be taught a lesson about who they are actually working for and what part of my anatomy that dictatorial harpy could place her oral labia.

Making Math Racist

A few days ago, I posted about Florida refusing to buy certain math textbooks because they contained CRT and SEL propaganda, and the state is trying to keep political topics out of elementary school. No groomers allowed, to put it bluntly.

Now the state has finally given some examples and reasons for why they rejected some textbooks. Take a look:

It’s subtle, but they are grooming the kids in their care, so that they grow up to be good little communists.

Grooming kids to become little communists. That is why these books were rejected. I took the Implicit Association Test, and it is garbage. It asks questions like “Are those that you are sexually attracted to mostly of a similar skin tone?” and “Do you think that certain skin tones have an advantage over others in making money?”

Garbage. This isn’t math, and it isn’t science. It’s propaganda.

From the Group that Believes in Science

The same group of people that keeps lecturing us on how science allows boys to be girls, masks can stop a virus, and other claims to own the science world, comes a complete lack of understanding of physics and math.

Four years ago, I wrote about the scam of creating fuel for free by using a machine to make hydrocarbons out of the carbon dioxide in the air. For many reasons, not the least of which is the First Law of Thermodynamics, this system is a scam.

Then a year ago, I told you how that same company announced that they can take carbon dioxide from the air, liquefy it, and pump it into the ground, thereby saving us all from global climate change. Again, those pesky laws of physics.

Now they are building these things. They do not, and cannot, work to reduce atmospheric CO2. Even using so called “green energy” sources.

Science. It’s a thing.

Pull the Other Leg

Florida has a bill winding its way through the Legislature that would prohibit schools and teachers from discussing LGTBQ matters with children in kindergarten through third grade. Students in eleven different Seminole county schools decided to “spontaneously” walk out of class in protest. With no prompting from the school district. Right.

So you are telling me that 12 year old kids care so much about teachers being able to talk to five year old children about homosexuality that they monitor the state legislature for pending laws and then organize a mass protest with no input whatsoever from teachers or staff?

While we have nearly half of our students unable to read at their grade level, there are teachers who are fighting to be allowed to discuss sexual intercourse with five through nine year old children. Maybe they should be concentrating on teaching their students what they are supposed to be teaching them, instead of trying to have sex with kids.

Ivy Prestige

There are eight Ivy league colleges in the United States: Harvard, Yale, Columbia, UPenn, Brown, Cornell, Dartmouth, and Princeton. All have this reputation of being the best colleges that the country has to offer. Being accepted to one of them is an indication of excellence. Is pride in that accomplishment justified?

Only a five students have been accepted by all eight of them.

What do all of these students have in common? (Other than being accepted by all eight Ivy League schools, of course.) They have a lot in common:

  • They are all black.
  • They are all immigrants. 3 are from Nigeria, 1 from Guyana, 1 from Ghana
  • All five of them went to high school within 35 miles of Manhattan.

Admittedly, they have high grades and test scores. However, lots of students have that. So then explain to me how David Hogg qualified for Harvard with his SAT scores, which were low enough to place him in the 5th percentile.

Keep in mind that Harvard accepts less than 6 percent of applicants. The other schools in the Ivy league do the same. They have been sued for discrimination in the past.

William Fitzsimmons, the 30-year dean of admissions, who oversees the screening process of about 40,000 applicants and narrows them down to 2,000 acceptance letters that are handed out each year, testified that African-Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanic high schoolers with mid-range SAT scores out of a possible 1600 combined math and verbal, are sent recruitment letters with a score as low as 1100, whereas Asian-Americans need to score at least 250 points higher – 1350 for women and 1380 for men.

Tell me that being accepted to those prestigious schools is about your ability and accomplishments, and not about meeting the woke checkboxes. The admissions departments at these schools claim that this isn’t discrimination, because they are attempting to “break the cycle of the discrimination of the past.” Fighting discrimination by discriminating against people is like fucking to preserve virginity.

Harvard isn’t the only one. Yale was also sued by the justice department under President Trump for discriminating against qualified white and Asian students.

Meanwhile, 49 percent of the students at Harvard have straight A’s.

I don’t understand how a University that admits students based on race, then gives them straight A’s can possibly be an elite school that carries any sort of prestige.

Even Hawaii

Even in leftist Hawaii, families are opting out of the public school system in large numbers. The left doesn’t care how many people they piss off.

This reminds me of my confusion from the weeks leading up to the 2020 election. I couldn’t understand why the Biden campaign wasn’t running the race. It never occurred to me that the race was over because they had taken a shortcut.

The left doesn’t care who they piss off, because they know that they have already won.

War on Smart Kids

As a follow up to the post last month about the NYC school system eliminating gifted programs: Since the science is showing that white and Asian kids are smarter than Hispanic and black kids, the science must be racist.

Why is this so? Because we know that everyone is the same. Equality, doncha know. This means that we should ignore any test results that do not agree with this basic premise. We can’t let the facts get in the way of our preconceived results.

Therefore, the only thing left to do is eliminate gifted and honors programs. There, we fixed the problem.

Let’s get one thing straight: After I was tested and found to have an IQ of 144, I was in a gifted program when I was a kid. I was always good at test taking. By the time I was in the sixth grade, standardized testing showed that I was reading at the same level as a college senior. I could read 300 words per minute with 85% comprehension.

A big deal was made of the fact that I was supposedly smarter than 98% of the population. It also sucked.

What all of that meant to me was that I was put into a class for gifted students one hour per day. It also meant that one of my other teachers, who happened to be black, led the class in making fun of me for being smart. I was constantly called out by the teacher with things like “I thought you were supposed to be gifted. You don’t seem smart to me.” The other kids would get in on it, and it made my sixth grade year hell.

I learned that the best defense was to act stupid. I began failing all of my classes, fighting, and getting in trouble. I got kicked out of school and wound up in a private school for a few years. I didn’t enjoy school again until I was in college.

As a result, when my own kids were in school, they were tested and found to also be intelligent. The school wanted to put them into gifted programs. I wouldn’t let them. They tried telling me that I was wrong, telling me that my kids would benefit from it. No, they wouldn’t.

To this day, I still wonder why a person who is talented at playing a sport is so revered, but a person who is talented at intellectual pursuits is so hated. I know what its like to be discriminated against, and putting a child in a gifted program shouldn’t be a punishment.