Gangs with Badges

Read this story about cops selling NFA weapons to criminal gangs and then tell me again how only the government can be trusted with guns.

ICE lost $100 million worth of firearms and no one cares. BATFE says that police departments are let off off with warnings. They claim that prosecutors are reluctant to charge these cases, and the bureau stated that “it is our goal to educate, not investigate.”

“We’re not looking to prosecute fellow law enforcement officers,” said Eric Harden, former special agent in charge of the ATF’s Los Angeles field division.

What would BATFE do to a citizen or FFL who did this?

It’s time for Federal law enforcement to be disbanded. All they are is a tool of government tyranny.

Inside Job

More and more evidence is pointing to J6 being an inside job. If it turns out that the FBI can be proven to have been the driving force behind the events on J6, the only rational response is to eliminate the entire agency and fire every single one of its agents. Take off and nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.

We are in the middle of watching segments of our government try to overthrow the legitimate powers that be in order to institute a dictatorial police state. I have been saying this for nearly five years.

What If

I have always maintained that using the military to hunt terrorists is not an efficient way of using government resources. We should instead use letters of marque or reprisal. Imagine if Congress had simply issued a letter of reprisal, offering a reward of $1 Billion for anyone who brings Osama bin Laden into American custody to stand trial, or $700 million if they bring in his dead body. His own followers would have brought him in within a month, or in the alternative, a dozen private companies would have competed for the prize.

We would have saved trillions of dollars and nearly a million lives.

Mobile Home

This woman is upset because FEMA says they want her to bring her 75 year old mobile home up to current flood and hurricane standards.

I don’t have any problems with this. If you want to live in an area that is prone to hurricanes and flooding, either bring your house up to current standards or don’t expect government handouts.

Your house is a 75 year old trailer. Don’t expect taxpayers to give you thousands of dollars to fix it.

On the other hand, the county is taxing an ancient mobile home on an assessed value of $237,000 not counting the land. That is ridiculous

Just a Criminal Gang at This Point

In April of 2023, a Kissimmee Police officer illegally and without a warrant entered the home of a man. The cop claims that he saw the man push his father, so the cop attempted to arrest the man, using force by kneeing the man in the face and shooting him with a Taser more than 7 times. The force used did extensive damage to the man’s face, breaking his nose and requiring dental work.

When questioned about the incident, the chief of police had this to say:

The video was surprising because the knee spikes went against training. However, she said the repeated use of the taser was within what’s considered proper use to gain compliance.

“I couldn’t see it on the video, but I will take Officer Baseggio’s word that he saw what he thought was a battery,” Holland said. “And so with that being said, he doesn’t know if he was going to go arm himself.”

As a result, the cop got an 8 hour suspension. That is the end of it. Or so it seems. It turns out that there was much more to the story.

It turns out that the cop lied on his incident report, as well as intimidating witnesses to tell the story of the incident in a way that was favorable to the officer and his actions. As a result of that, he was indicted by a grand jury on charges of felony battery, misdemeanor battery, official misconduct, solicitation for perjury and two counts of tampering with a witness. He was fired as a result.

Still, that isn’t the entire story. It turns out that while the AG’s office was investigating the rogue cop, they were questioning his fellow officers, and 11 of them lied in official statements in order to protect and cover for him. Those 11 cops were also indicted, and as a result both the chief and deputy chief of police were terminated.

As I have said before, the bad cops lie, abuse their power, cheat, and steal. The so-called “good” cops will lie and cover for them, which makes them all bad cops. At this point, the only difference between most police and a criminal gang is that the cops have badges and immunity.

I repeat what I have said before- we as citizens need to demand one of two things:

  • Eliminate qualified immunity and force police to get malpractice insurance
  • Pass a law that any lawsuit against police for unlawful behavior against citizens be paid directly from the police pension fund.

Make cops have skin in the game.

Rights Without Responsibility

Watch this video, then I will tell you my own story.

She claims to be an independent woman while at the same time wants her father to pay for her wedding, because she can’t. That doesn’t sound very independent to me.

When my daughter was 15 years old, she was dating this 20 year old loser who it turned out didn’t have a driver’s license because his had been suspended. When I told him that he couldn’t take her anywhere in a car since he had no driver’s license, he told me to mind my own business. I tried explaining to her that he was a loser who couldn’t date women his own age, so he was chasing younger girls, and all he wanted was to get laid. She told me that I was too old to understand how it is “nowadays” and that they were soulmates, and there was nothing I could do to keep them apart.

See, school taught her that she was a strong girlboss who wasn’t owned by anyone. She could decide for herself, thank you very much.

The young lad sent me an email telling me to mind my own business or he would come over with a bat and teach me a lesson. The next time he came over, I pulled a gun on his smarmy ass and told him that if I caught him coming over to my house again, I would kill his ass and produce the email as evidence in my trial.

I caught them once, having sex on my couch. I called the cops, who did exactly nothing.

Things degenerated to the point where she would just walk out whenever she pleased. Out of the house while I was taking a leak, out of school when he wanted to see her, nothing worked. I even tried getting a restraining order, but the courts denied granting it because she begged them not to. It turns out that the courts hold a teenage girl’s opinion in more regard than that of her parents.

On the day she turned 18, my daughter came out of her room and told me that she was now an adult and could do whatever she wanted. I pointed out to her that part of being an adult is understanding that adults have responsibilities, and one of those is to learn that there are consequences for every action you take, meaning that you can’t always do whatever you want.

She replied that she was done with my “bullshit rules” and she was going to live with her soulmate. I told her that, if she decided that she was an adult, then she needed to understand that, as an adult, she would have to provide everything on her own. Don’t come back here and ask for any handouts, not even a single dollar. She walked out.

I didn’t see her again for four years. That was when she came to me and asked for money for her wedding. It appears that she had broken up with her soulmate six months after moving in with him, and he stalked her to the point where she had to get a restraining order. She met this new guy, they were in love, and wanted to get married. She wanted me to pay for the wedding. I told her no.

My ex-wife (her mother) called me to tell me what an asshole I am, before telling me that I should pay for the wedding AND the honeymoon to Alaska, a bill that came to over $20,000. I said no. She is an adult, and I am not going to have her turn her back on me, only to come crawling back whenever she needed money.

The biggest lesson that she learned was just a few months after my grandson was born. Her husband ran off with an only fans porn actress, leaving my daughter and his kids high and dry. That was what she needed to grow up. The responsibility of having children of her own taught her lessons that she was unable to listen to when I tried to teach them.

Our relationship has never been the same as it once was, but we have slowly come to terms with what happened.

All because society and our kids’ schools fill these kids’ heads with ideas about the rights of being an adult, but don’t bother to teach them about the responsibilities that come with it.

You can’t be an independent adult if you need someone else’s money to pay for it.

Mexigun National

I couldn’t resist the pun in the title. Check this out, from the US Navy:

A Mexican national, serving in the US military. Some comments claimed that it could be a joint military exercise, but that isn’t the case. The Mexican Navy doesn’t use the same rank structure as the US Navy, and would not contain a rank of “Gunner’s Mate Third Class.” No, what you have here is a military being staffed by FORN personnel.

You, my fellow Americans, are being replaced by people who will be loyal to TPTB.

They Will

To those who claim that the military won’t hunt down people on the right, simply because the President orders it:

and this guy.