Regardless, one of the creepiest aspects of the gain of function research going on with viruses is that there has been active research into infecting portions of humanity based on their genetics. Race, nationality (in some cases) or anything they can isolate.
You can replace “infecting” with “wiping out” in that sentence.
· March 12, 2022 at 10:24 am
why do you think they kept the swabs?… I’m pretty sure I had it in the beginning but never showed symptoms…I say that because I had all the symptoms in Jan of the version going around and was sick really 1 day… it was the worst part, the body aches part… of course I had the 2 weeks of hacking up lung chunks but I don’t count that really…I remember when this shit started 2 years ago they talked about certain blood types were more likely/least likely to get covid… now research is showing the covid itself is causing issues with those that have had it… internal organs, brain, heart, etc… this shit was genetically designed to fuck people up just like the vax…back to the point, I remember reading a few articles before covid ever came here that scientist could design “bugs” that could target races or whoever… the things these dark land are doing could do way worse then nuclear war….
· March 13, 2022 at 2:11 am
Hate to disappoint ya, sport, but it’s the CURE that’s causing the problems. The Jab is just plain dangerous.
Don’t think so? You’ll see.
· March 12, 2022 at 9:39 pm
Just wait until they can isolate the gay gene.
Vodka Man Bad
· March 12, 2022 at 4:35 pm
China had a blood type study from two years ago.
It is on the offline Samizdat box but a certain blood type is more susceptible.
There is a disease but the enemedia hyped it up beyond all reality and I witnessed elders in tears after too much exposure to COV-Porn.
Jim R
· March 12, 2022 at 9:46 pm
Searching with “genetics affects severity of covid” (without quotes) yielded this, among others. I picked this one because it was this year, but there were earlier studies as well.
This should NOT be a surprise to anyone, at least in healthcare.
How many of us know someone who just looks at food and puts on weight?? How many of us know someone who eats everything they see (see-food diet) and are still as thin a rail as they were in high school??
The FBI knew in 2021 that the COVID virus was bioengineered and didn’t tell President Biden. Of course they knew- I posted back in 2022 that the Federal government knew the virus was engineered using Read more…
We always hear from the left that “all of the other industrialized nations have free healthcare. You shouldn’t have to go bankrupt in order to be healthy.” Too bad that’s all bullshit. Healthcare is a Read more…
It’s election season, and that means the left will be resurrecting COVID. Talk of COVID is increasing lately, with stories like “backyard wildlife is spreading COVID” being reported on. I can tell you that COVID Read more…
SiG · March 12, 2022 at 9:57 am
FT won’t let us read. Could you excerpt it?
Regardless, one of the creepiest aspects of the gain of function research going on with viruses is that there has been active research into infecting portions of humanity based on their genetics. Race, nationality (in some cases) or anything they can isolate.
You can replace “infecting” with “wiping out” in that sentence.
joe · March 12, 2022 at 10:24 am
why do you think they kept the swabs?… I’m pretty sure I had it in the beginning but never showed symptoms…I say that because I had all the symptoms in Jan of the version going around and was sick really 1 day… it was the worst part, the body aches part… of course I had the 2 weeks of hacking up lung chunks but I don’t count that really…I remember when this shit started 2 years ago they talked about certain blood types were more likely/least likely to get covid… now research is showing the covid itself is causing issues with those that have had it… internal organs, brain, heart, etc… this shit was genetically designed to fuck people up just like the vax…back to the point, I remember reading a few articles before covid ever came here that scientist could design “bugs” that could target races or whoever… the things these dark land are doing could do way worse then nuclear war….
JAFLW · March 13, 2022 at 2:11 am
Hate to disappoint ya, sport, but it’s the CURE that’s causing the problems. The Jab is just plain dangerous.
Don’t think so? You’ll see.
D · March 12, 2022 at 9:39 pm
Just wait until they can isolate the gay gene.
Vodka Man Bad · March 12, 2022 at 4:35 pm
China had a blood type study from two years ago.
It is on the offline Samizdat box but a certain blood type is more susceptible.
There is a disease but the enemedia hyped it up beyond all reality and I witnessed elders in tears after too much exposure to COV-Porn.
Jim R · March 12, 2022 at 9:46 pm
Searching with “genetics affects severity of covid” (without quotes) yielded this, among others. I picked this one because it was this year, but there were earlier studies as well.
Yep · March 13, 2022 at 9:16 am
This should NOT be a surprise to anyone, at least in healthcare.
How many of us know someone who just looks at food and puts on weight?? How many of us know someone who eats everything they see (see-food diet) and are still as thin a rail as they were in high school??
The above example is genetics in action……
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